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Quiz 1 - Accounting
Instructions: Write the number of each item in the appropriate section(s) of the appropriate financial statements below and indicate whether it is an increase or decrease. Income Statement Operating Revenue: Balance Sheet Assets: Cash Flow Operations:

Investment: Operating Expenses: Liabilities:

Finance: Taxable Income: Owner Equity: Net Cash Flow Net Income: You own a small commercial kitchen and rent space to others that dont have space or want to try out new menus with limited seating 1. The gas bill came in. Customers have been cranking the stoves this month. 2. All of tonights clients paid for the space they rented. It is best to collect cash that night. 3. There is one client you have to bill once a month, they are canning for markets. You just sent out the invoice. 4. You need to refill the propane tanks and the liquid nitrogen tank. 5. It is time to expand the refrigerator. Lucky you can do it with cash on hand. 6. You donate the kitchen space to some non-profit groups raising money for breast cancer. 7. There was a small leak in a water pipe. You pay to have it repaired. 8. The business is a little short on cash this month so you write a personal check to the business.

New Revenue Asset Definitions

Balance Sheet MUST balance! Sign Conventions

Cash Flow Echo

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