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#14-Create a glossary of unfamiliar words or phrases.

Glossary Word abrasive absurdity ad-libbed aftereffect anthology aura Definition

tending to annoy or cause ill will; overly aggressive: an abrasive personality something absurd to improvise all or part of (a speech, a piece of music, etc.) a delayed effect; an effect that follows at some interval after the stimulus that produces it a collection of selected writing by one author a distinctive and pervasive quality or character; air; atmosphere: an aura of respectability; an aura of friendliness abrupt in address or manner: a blunt, ill-timed question insensitive; indifferent; unsympathetic: They have a callous attitude toward the sufferings of others a reckless adventure or wild prank

blunt callousness


grotesque gynecologist

odd or unnatural in shape, appearance or character; fantastically ugly or absurd; bizarre

a physician specializing in gynecology ones personal, responsible initiative decision: to act one ones own initiative a conception of anothers behavior: interpretation a charitable interpretation of his tactlessness superlative; headlining marquee exaggerated and emotional or sentimental: sensational or melodramatic sensationalized; overdramatic ally


to hypnotize

an extremely severe paroxysmal headache usually confined to one migraines side of the head and often associated with nausea; hemicrania a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in ones life, to ones home or homeland, or nostalgia to ones family and friends; a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time: a nostalgia for his college days olly-olly-oxen- a catchphrase used in such childrens games as hide and seek free to indicate that players who are hiding can come out into the open

without losing the game

optimist paranoia

the tendency to expect the best and see the best in all things baseless or excessive suspicion of the motives of others a person who habitually sees or anticipates the worst or is disposed to be gloomy


result; condition: a precondition for a promotion repercussions a rebounding or recoil of something after impact a small, light, usually straight knife used in surgical and anatomical scalpel operations and dissections lasting for half a year semiannual (of a person) given to acting upon spontaneous sudden impulses suggestive of surrealism: dreamlike surreal a seesaw teeter-totter the plant, Agave tequilana, from tequila which the drink is made a tinging sound tinged psychologically painful traumatic of, pertaining to, or characteristic of voyeuristic

preconditione something that must come before or is necessary to a subsequent d


a voyeur (of a garment) made to fold around or across the body so that one side of the garment overlaps the other forming the closure

Works Cited Monday July 19, 2011

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