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pendulum swung radio – test broadcast

number 3 summary

geez whiz show:

cold start
annc blogtalkradio
fade in – t&g
auto fade out - [1:15.00]

introduction: introduced 6 main ideas to be

covered in 30 minute scheduled show.
>>> welcome to the final test broadcast of
pendulum swung radio…
>>> announced location and who i was
>>> informed listeners of intention to play
boris pelikan’s (croatia) yellow vase…
>>> intention to touch on premiership
opening in england
>>> talking poin on just one bit of news –
pootie poot v. dubya mess…
>>> told audience of number to call in -
***** 646.716.7821**** and the name of the
show (repeat once)…

body: covered the six main points and played

piece from upcoming film soundtrack


conclusion: anecdotal lead in to bit of wit and

wisdom and close…

[fade in bookend audio]

archived 7-14-07 6:00 cdt

production note: timing was okay but finished

early (17:00.00) versus planned 20:00.00 –
24:00.00 time frame. initial launch and
competition for advertising and sponsorship
leading to revenue sharing with blogtalkradio
company begins in ~2 weeks. allow 6-10
minutes for this. just play music to fill that time
if no callers. in this case one extra 3 minute
spot was covered by music from nicole
yazzarino from the san jose state university
opera workshop – gratis. will take care of dcrm
issue later and negotiate long term rights as
needed (including contract or revenue based
compensation, etc.)

tech notes: turn volume up on yellow vase to

150% and move phone away from speaker
during broadcast of nicole’s music. also put soft
foam over microphone until upgrading to noise
cancelling model to help attenuate the best we

administrivia: funding for this project is

approved and our initial budget will be 5000
usd. we need to establish an llc to protect
personal assets as the sharks will start
swimming into the shallows if we are
successful. probably incorporate in delaware
like most. total listener count to date:
***128*** hey, it’s a start =)
peace and wisdom always,

cap’n al
chief cook and bottle washer

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