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Vitamin C

Jadie Aurelio Ram Cantillon


known as Ascorbic Acid or Lascorbate Short of anti-scorbutic (anti-scurvy) Water-soluble vitamin Essential for normal functioning of the body Not synthesized in the human body

Vitamin C

Involved in collagen synthesis Important in wound healing Enhances iron absorption Prevents bleeding in capillaries Acts as an antioxidant Participate in the synthesis of hormones by the adrenal glands Plays apart in the metabolism of the amino acid tyrosine

Functions Of Vitamin C

Unlike most mammals, humans don't have the ability to make their own vitamin C. We must therefore obtain vitamin C through our diet.
Oranges Watermelon Grapefruit Mango Tomatoes Cabbage Pineapple green peppers Papaya strawberries Broccoli Cauliflower Blueberries

*Vitamin C is sensitive to light, air, and heat, so you'll get the most vitamin C if you eat fruits and vegetables raw or lightly cooked.

Food Sources


or No toxicity at all Excess will be excreted by the kidney Large doses could irritate the intestinal mucosa High doses may promote the production of kidney stones


United States vitamin C recommendations Recommended Dietary Allowance (adult male)

90 mg per day

Recommended Dietary Allowance (adult female)

75 mg per day

Tolerable Upper Intake Level (adult male)

2,000 mg per day

Tolerable Upper Intake Level (adult female)

2,000 mg per day



is 60 mg/day Pregnant women- 80 mg/day Lactating mothers- 1oomg/day 1-15 years old- 15 mg/day



Deficiency in Vitamin C Onset is slow in human Occur in malnourished persons, esp. elderly persons Systemic signs ( adults) Fatigue Rough skin & itching skin Pink or hemorrhagic skin follicles appeared on the buttocks, thighs, legs & arms Hemorrhages from blood vessels in the eyes Pains in the joints Excessive hair loss

Vitamin C Deficiency


Rare in infants who are breast fed Occur in infants fed almost exclusively on heat-treated cows milk Systemic signs ( infants)
Anemia Failure to grow properly ( in young children) Weakness Restlessness Irritability Swollen joints

Vitamin C Deficiency


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