Jubilee Alumni Response Form

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Scandinavian Studies in B: 10-Year-Jubilee

Alumni Response Form

Please return to Judith Torvik via e-mail (Judith.Torvik@hit.no)
on or before October 21st.
All response information is optional, please fill in whatever you feel is
Contact Information
E-mail address:
Education Information
Year/semester spent at Scandinavian Studies in B (for example: Fall
2004) : _____________________________________
Institutions attended/degrees earned:
Employment Information
Current occupation:
Family Information
Spouse/significant other:
Children (names/ages):
Scandinavian Studies and You
Please provide us with any thoughts you have about the Scandinavian
Studies program in B, what your time in B meant/means to you, how
the Scandinavian Studies program in B influenced or affected you,
etc. You can write as much or as little as you wish!

Where Are They Now?
Please provide us with any other information about what you have
been up to since completing the Scandinavian Studies program.
Please tell us your favorite memory from your time in B.
Thank you so much for your response!

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