Cost Brek Down For Research Thesis

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S/No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

5.1. Materials Required (Software, and Stationery) Item Description Unit Quantity Unit price (Eth. Birr) ARCSWAT package 1 3000 ARCGIS Package 1 4000 RS resolution of 30m Package 1 12000 Toner Cartridge (4200) Pieces 1 2000 Printing paper Ream 5 120 Color printing tonner Pieces 1 2500 CD-RW Pieces 5 20 CD R Pieces 10 5 Note book Pieces 2 18 Pen Packet 1 250 Portable Hard Disk (500 No 1 1200 GB) Marker Pcs 5 20 Lap top (Dell Hp Pentium) No 1 15000 Sub total

5.2. Advisory

S/No 1 2

Item Description Advisors supervision fee Training on usage of ARC SWAT and ARCGIS with its detail components including usage Training for data collectors or Enumerators (4 persons) Sub total

unit LS Days


Unit price(birr) 1 3,000.00 10 300




5.3. Transport expense

S/No 1

Item Description Researchers trip from Jarso to Haramaya University Researchers trip from Jarso to Addis Ababa to purchase and gather data

Unit Round trip Round trip

Quantity 10

Unit price(birr) 60


Researcher from Jarso to Round trip visit different locations of the watershed Sub total Unit



5.4 Per Diem Costs S/No Item Description

1 2 3 4 5 6

Student Major advisor Co-advisor Driver Guide man to sites (Two) Data Collectors (4 in number) Sub total

Days Days Days Days Days Days

Quantity Per Diem Rate (Eth. Birr) 60 70 10 70 10 70 10 58 15 58 20 58

5.5. Fuel and lubricant

S/No 1 2

Item Description Fuel (1400 km/5km/lit) Lubricant (10% fuel cost) Sub total

unit Lit


Unit price(birr) 280 18

5.6. Miscellaneous expanse

S/No 1 2 3

Item Description Photocopy Thesis binding Communications Sub total



Unit price(birr)

5.7.Budget Summary


Item category

1 2 3 4 5 6

Materials Purchase Transport cost Per Diem Fuel and lubricant Advisors supervision fee Miscellaneous expanse Grand total

Subtotal expanse (Birr) 25836 3,000.00 3000 5236 7,000.00 1408 45,480.00

tionery) Total price (Eth. Birr) 3000 4000 12000 2000 600 2500 100 50 36 250 1200 100 15000 25836

Total price(birr) 3000 3000



Total price(birr) 600



3000 Total Amount (Eth. Birr)

4200 700 700 580 870 1160 8210

Total price(birr) 5040 0 5236

Total price 308 600 500 1408

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