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THE IDEA: This stage is the actual gethering of the idea for the film, can come from

a variety of sources.

a pitch is created to gain finance for the script, film production companies are approached.

PACKAGING: the script is put into a pitch ready for financing and finance and budget schedules are drawn up.

SCRIPT DEVELOPMENT: research goes into the script, ideas are put foward and the script is planned.

FINANCING: investers are found and contracts are drawn up for financing and insurance.

PRE PRODUCTION: storyboarding of the script, gathering of cast and crew members, special effects planning.

POST PRODUCTION: all film is given to an editor, special effects and soundtrack may added and the silm will be tweeked to get the final cut.

THE SHOOT: the making, lighting and sound, camera crew are responsible for getting the right shots.

SALES: a trailor is made and the product needs to be sold with teh help of a sales agent, screening will take place.

MARKETING: advertisement of the film, shown to test audience, media and press coverage.

OTHER WINDOWS: dvd and video's, video game, broadcasts, and maybe another film released.

EXHIBITION: film is distrobuted, the premiere, is released into uk cinemas, box office performance.

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