Non Verbal Communication - 2003

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Non Verbal Communication

Non Verbal Communication involves those nonverbal stimuli in a communication setting that are generated by both the source [speaker] and his or her use of the environment and that have potential message value for the source or receiver (listener).

It is sending and receiving messages in a variety of ways without the use of verbal words

It can be both intentional and unintentional. Most speakers / listeners are not conscious of this.

Types Of Non Verbal Communication

Body Language or Kinesics

Space and Distance or Proxemic factors

Time (Chronemics) and Colour


Body language plays the most important role in communication and the study of body language is known as kinesics which means Body Movement.
It includes :

-Facial expressions -Eye contact -Postures -Gestures -Appearance -Touch

Space and Distance or Proxemic factors


distance- 0 to 18 inches - Physical contact / Touch

Personal distance-18 inches to 4 feet - Normal conservation with friends Social distance- 4 to 12 feet -Conservation with business acquaintances

Public distance-12 feet to the limit of sight - Public Speaking

Different colors are associated with different behavior patterns, attitudes and cultural background.

Yellow cheers and elevates moods

Red excites and stimulates

Blue comforts and soothes

In some cultures black suggests mourning

In some cultures white suggests purity

Non Verbal Signals Vary from culture to culture

This symbol has different meaning for different countries
In the United States it is a symbol for good job In Germany - the number one In Japan- the number five In Ghana - an insult In Malaysia the thumb is used to point rather than a finger

Time (Chronemics)

communicate what time means to us?


North Americans are quite time conscious whereas people in east are quite relaxed about time.


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