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Particulate Solids
The size analysis of a powdered material on a mass basis is represented by a straight line from 0 per cent at 1 h m particle size to 100 per cent by mass at 101 pm particle size. Calculate the surface mean diameter of the particles constituting the system.

See Volume 2, Example 1.1.

The equations giving the number distribution curve for a powdered material are dn/dd = d for the size range 0-10 pm, and dn/dd = lo0,000/d4 for the size range 10-100 pm where d is in pm. Sketch the number, surface and mass distribution curves and calculate the surface mean diameter for the powder. Explain briefly how the data for the construction of these curves may be obtained experimentally.

See Volume 2, Example 1.2.

The fineness characteristic of a powder on a cumulative basis is represented by a straight tine from the origin to 100 per cent undersize at a particle size of 50 pm. If the powder is initially dispersed uniformly in a column of liquid, calculate the proportion by mass which remains in suspension in the time from commencement of settling to that at which a 40 pm particle falls the total height of the column. It may be assumed that Stokes law is applicable to the settling of the particles over the whole size range.

For settling in the Stokes law region, the velocity is proportional to the diameter squared and hence the time taken for a 40 Fm particle to fall a height h m is:
t = h/402k

where k a constant. During this time, a particle of diameter d wrn has fallen a distance equal to:

kd2h/402k= hd2/402
The proportion of particles of size d which are still in suspension is:
= 1 - (d2/402)

and the fraction by mass of particles which are still in suspension is:

= l m [ l - (d2/402)]dw
Since dw/dd = 1/50, the mass fraction is:
= (1/50)


[ 1 - (d2/402)1dd

= (1/50)[d - (d3/4800)]p = 0.533 or 53.3 per cent of the particles remain in suspension.

In a mixture of quartz of density 2650 kg/m3 and galena of density 7500 kg/m3, the sizes of the particles range from 0.0052 t 0.025 mm. o On separation in a hydraulic classifier under free settling conditions, three fractions are obtained, one consisting of quartz only, one a mixture of quartz and galena, and one of galena only. What are the ranges of sizes of particles of the two substances in the original mixture?

Use is made of equation 3.24, Stokes law, which may be written as:
uo = kd2(ps - P I .

where k (= g/18p) is a constant. For large galena: uo = k(25 x 10-6)2(7500 - l0o0) = 4.06 x 10-6k m / s
For small galena: uo = k(5.2 x 10-6)2(7500- 1OOO) = 0.176 x 10-6k m/s

For large quartz: uo = k(25 x 10-6)2(26J0 - lO00) = 1.03 x 10% m / s

For small quartz: uo = k(5.2 x 10-6)2(2650 - 1OOO) = 0.046 x 10-6k m/s

If the time of settling was such that particles with a velocity equal to 1 0 x lo-% m/s .3 settled, then the bottom product would contain quartz. This is not so and hence the maximum size of galena particles still in suspension is given by:

0 1.03 x 1 %

= kd2(7500- 1OOO)


d = O.oooO126 m or 0.0126 mm.

Similarly if the time of settling was such that particles with a velocity equal to 0.176 x m/s did not start to settle, then the top product would contain galena. This is not the case and hence the minimum size of quartz in suspension is given by:

0.176 x 10-6k = kd2(2650 - 1OOO) or

d = O.oooO103 m or 0.0103 mm.

It may therefore be concluded that, assuming streamline conditions, the fraction of material in suspension, that is containing quartz and galena, is made up of particles of sizes in the range 0.0103-0.0126 mm

A mixture of quartz and galena of a size range from 0.015 mm to 0.065 mm is to be separated into two pure fractions using a hindered settling process. What is the minimum apparent density of the fluid that will give this separation? How will the viscosity of the bed affect the minimum required density? The density of galena is 7500 kg/m3 and the density of quartz is 2650 kg/m3.

See Volume 2 Example 1 4 , ..

The size distribution of a dust as measured by a microscope is as follows. Convert these data to obtain the distribution on a mass basis, and calculate the specific surface, assuming spherical particles of density 2650 kg/m3. Size range (Fm) Number of particles in range (-)

0-2 2-4 4-8 8- 12 12-16 16-20 20-24


2000 600 140 40 15 5 2

From equation 1.4, the mass fraction of particles of size dl is given by:

= nIkld1Psr

where kl is a constant, n1 is the number of particles of size dl, and p, is the density of the particles = 2650 kg/m3.

EX,= 1 and hence the mass fraction is:

x1 = nlkld:ps/Xnkd3p,.
In this case:

kd3np, 5,300,000k 42,930,000k 80,136,000k 106,000,000k 109,074,000k 77,274,000k 56,434,400k

C = 477,148,400k

1 200 3 6 0 0 6 140 10 PO 14 15 18 5 22 2


000 .9
0.168 0.222 0.229 0.162 0.118

X = 1.0

The surface mean diameter is given by equation 1.14:

d, = W d : ) / W l d : )
and hence:

d 1 3 6 10 14 18

nd2 2000 5400 5040


nd3 2000 16,200 30,240 40,000 41,160 29,160 2 1,296

C = 180,056

2000 600 140

15 5

2940 1620 968

C = 21,968


d, = (180,056/21,968) = 8.20 Vrn

This is the size of a particle with the same specific surface as the mixture. The volume of a particle 8.20 b m in diameter = (n/6)8.203 = 288.7 wm3.

The surface area of a particle 8.20 pm in diameter = (n x 8.202)= 2 1 2 pm2 1. and hence: the specific surface = (211.2/288.7)
= 0.731 pm2/pm3 or 0.731 x

lo6 m2/m3

The performance of a solids mixer was assessed by calculating the variance occurring in the mass fraction of a component amongst a selection of samples withdrawn from the mixture. The quality w s tested at intervals of 30 s and the data obtained are: a mixing time (s) sample variance (-)

30 60 90 120 150 0.025 0.006 0.015 0.018 0.019

If the component analysed represents 20 per cent of the mixture by mass and each of the samples removed contains approximately 100 particles, comment on the quality of the mixture produced and present the data in graphical form showing the variation of mixing index with time.

See Volume 2, Example 1.3.

The size distribution by mass of the dust carried in a gas, together with the efficiency of collection over each size range is as follows: Size range, (pm) Mass (per cent) Efficiency (per cent)

0-5 10 20

5-10 15 40

10-20 35 80

20-40 20 90

40-80 1 0 95

80-160 1 0 100

Calculate the overall efficiency of the collector and the percentage by mass of the emitted dust that is smaller than 20 pm in diameter. If the dust burden is 18 g/m3 at entry and . the gas flow is 0 3 m3/s, calculate the mass flow of dust emitted.

See Volume 2 Example 1 6 , ..

The collection efficiency of a cyclone is 45 per cent over the size range 0-5 pm, 80 per cent over the size range 5-10 pm, and 96 per cent for particles exceeding 10 pm.

Calculate the efficiency of collection for a dust with a mass distribution of 50 per cent 0-5 pm, 30 per cent 5-10 Fm and 20 per cent above 10 Fm.

See Volume 2, Example 1.5.

A sample of dust from the air in a factory is collected on a glass slide. If dust on the slide was deposited from one cubic centimetre of air, estimate the mass of dust in g/m3 of air in the factory, given the number of particles in the various size ranges to be as follows:
Size range (pm) Number of particles (-)
0- 1 2000

1-2 lo00

2-4 500

4-6 200

6-10 100

10-14 40

It may be assumed that the density of the dust is 2600 kg/m3, and an appropriate allowance should be made for particle shape.

If the particles are spherical, the particle diameter is d m and the density p = 2600 kg/m3, then the volume of 1 particle = (n/6)d3m3, the mass of 1 particle = 2600(x/6)d3 kg and the following table may be produced Size (km) 0- 1 Number of particles (-) 2000 Mean diameter (Km) 0.5 (m) 0.5 x Volume (m3) 6.54 x M s of one particle (kg) 1.70 x as Mass of one particles in size range (kg) 3.40 x
Size (pm) Number of particles (-) Mean diameter (pm) (m) Volume (m3) M s of one particle (kg) as Mass of one particles in size range (kg)

1-2 2-4 1000 500 1.5 3.0 1.5 x 3.0 x 3.38 x 1.41 x 8.78 x lo- 3.68 x 8.78 x 1O-l2

4-6 200

5.0 x 6.54 x lo- 1.70 x

1.83 x lo-

3.40 x lo-

6- 10 100 8.0 8.0 x 2.68 x 6.97 x 6.97 x lo-

40 12.0 12.0 x 9.05 x 2.35 x 9.41 x lo-


Total mass of particles = 2.50 x lo-'' kg. As this mass is obtained from 1 cm3 of air, the required dust concentration is given by: (2.50 x lo-'') x lo3 x lo6 = 0.25 g/m3

A cyclone separator 0.3 m in diameter and 1.2 m long, has a circular inlet 75 mm in

diameter and an outlet of the same size. If the gas enters at a velocity of 1.5 d , what s at particle size will the theoretical cut occur? The viscosity of air is 0.018 mNs/m2, the density of air is 1.3 kg/m3 and the density of the particles is 2700 kg/m3.

See Volume 2, Example 1.7.

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