Research Log #2

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Research Log #2: Joshua Bronk Period 1 4/5/10 1.

Citation Information: (MLA Format, beginning with author's last name) "Timeline: Guatemala." 2 Sept. 2009. BBC. 5 Apr. 2010 <>. 2. Brief Summary of Source's Thesis and Content:(in your own words) This gives an overview of all the most important events and government policies of the last 160 years, since Guatemala was founded. It also has a section about important times human rights were violated to give a perspective of what living in the area could have been like, especially if one happened to be in the area of the mass killings 3. Useful Quotes: (which may or may not be used in your paper; copy and paste if possible) 1999 - UN-backed commission says security forces were behind 93% of all human rights atrocities committed during the civil war, which claimed 200,000 lives, and that senior officials had overseen 626 massacres in Maya villages. About 60% of the population is of mixed Mayan and European descent 4. Discussion of Authority of Source: (notes on writer's credentials, background, agenda, bias of sponsoring organization, etc.) This is from the BBC, which is one of the most credible and respected news sources in todays world. Based on this information, and the fact that there is no bias at all in the writing (it is basically an encyclopedia entry), I would say that this is a very credible source, and that all the information in it can be believed. 5. Comparison to Other Sources: (Point out discrepancies in details, variations in perspectives) Other sources I have seen have more of a defensive view of the Mayans, slightly sympathetic almost. This source, however, is directly and only the facts, and doesnt try to feed the reader an opinion with them. The facts seem the same to the other sources I have read, and the omniscient viewpoint is generally used in other sources as well.

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