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1. Why voltmeter-ammeter method is unsuitable for the precise measurement of low resistance? Support your answer with suitable circuit and mathematical expressions. 2. Discuss the common sources of errors that can occur in an AC bridge. How you can eliminate them? 3. What are the advantages of electronic instrument over electrical and mechanical instruments. Cite examples to support your answer. 4. Indicate an instrument that can be used to measure the following parameters: i) Radiation ii) Rate of flow iii) Angular displacement iv) Acceleration v) Torque vi) Thickness vii) Viscosity 5. The inductance of a moving iron ammeter with a full scale deflection of 900 at 1.5 A is given by the expression , where is the deflection in radian from the zero position. Estimate the angular deflection of the pointer for current of 1A. 6. The law of deflection of a moving iron ammeter is given by the expression amp, where, is the deflection in radian and n is a constant. The self inductance when the meter current is zero is 10 mH. The spring constant is 0.16 Nm/rad. Determine i) The expression for self inductance of the ammeter as a function of and n. ii) With n=0.75 calculate the meter current and the deflection that corresponds to a self inductance of 60 mH.

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