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Interim Report Rubric Clarity Student provided a detailed description of their intended approach.

Student provided at least three clearly distinct goals, and a timeline for their completion. Student chose a creative approach to the task which is sensible and likely to succeed. Student attempted to outline their intended approach. Student provided some goals with timing, or three clear and distinct goals with no timing. Student chose an approach to the task which makes sense and should succeed. Report was incomplete or chaotic with no clear plan identified. Student did not sufficiently engage with the creation of sub-goals. Students approach to the task shows little thought, or approach will need guidance to succeed.



Final Project Rubric Organisation All items were neatly and correctly labelled. Student thoroughly explained all features as required by the task. Each element in the display had a function and clearly served to illustrate some aspect of the system. Task is professionally presented and appealing to the observer/consumer. Student kept to their outlined goals, or made small improvements. Most items were correctly labelled. Many labels were missing or incorrect.


Student attempted Student missed to address all aspects certain required of the task outline. aspects of the task. Most elements made sense, though some were missing or were included unnecessarily. Task is acceptably presented with some attempt at making the presentation appealing. Students final project differed substantially from what was planned. The project seemed incomplete or chaotic with no clear core concept.

Clarity of Ideas


Task is poorly presented.


Students final project varied wildly from what was planned.

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