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7 Years War 1756-1763

Great Britain in Debt

King George III had the biggest peacetime army in English history

Sugar Act 1764

Stamp Act 1765

QA fuels SA

Quartering Act 1765

Colonists Get Angry

Tax Collectors Intimidated (Sons of Liberty) Few Tax Collectors Stamp Act Repeald 1766 Declaratory Act 1766 Boycotting British Goods Stamp Act Congress Merchants Pressure Parliament

England Still Needs Money

Townshend Acts 1767

British Troops Withdrawn To Costal Cities

Committees of Correspondence

Circular Letter from Massachusetts 1768 (Sam Adams)

Ordinary People Protest

Boycotts Through Associations

Boston Massacre 1770 England Orders Massachusetts to Rescind Letter

Paul Revere Creates Propaganda

Assembly Doesnt Rescind Letter

England Shuts Down Massachusetts Assembly

Other Colonies Assemble to Recognize Letter

Other Assemblies Disbanded

Lord North Becomes Prime Minister

Townshend Acts Repealed

Period of Uneasy Peace

Britain Still Needs Money East India Company Near Bankruptcy

1773 Tea Act

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