Recorded Audio Sep-17-2011 08-48-03 PM - English Translation (Version 2)

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Topic: Signs of Momin (Shiain-e- Ali (a.

By: Zakira Fizza Hassan Laraib (UAE) On Sep-17-2011 at 08: 48 PM Venue: Live on Translated by: Mosafir-e-Najaf (Syed Zulfiqar Hussain Naqvi) English translation Once upon a time, there was a Christian who has a nice habit of doing everything against nafas (evil thinking of Mind) and Allah Al-mighty was pleased with him and due to this nice habit / quality Allah Al-mighty has gifted him with this beautiful gift of forecasting and not just forecasting accurate 100% accurate forecast. A person comes to Imam and told him that in our area there is a man who can read others mind and his forecast are 100 % accurate. So Imam asked for a meeting with that person. After a while that person visited imam, Place where he visited imam there was a tree on which mother Pigeons has just laid two eggs in her nest, ( the nest was so high that no one can reach that nest without climbing that tree ) Imam got that eggs into his hand (with the powers granted to him by the Allah Al-mighty) and Imam asked the person : what is that in my hand? As the person starting thinking of what will be in Imams hand he was rather astonished when he comes to know that the two eggs, that mother pigeon had just laid , are in Imams hand but he was little cautious about how those eggs comes into Imam (forecast teller sometimes use logical sense to prove their forecast) when he doesnt make any sense that how those eggs comes to imam hand (as he dont know the person asking him question is Imam of a another religion ) so he replied Imam I think that might be those eggs that mother pigeon has just laid in her nest up above in the tree. Imam has the power to change the eggs with anything other but Imam smiled and told him that your forecasting is accurate and I have those eggs. Now the forecast tellers answer as right but was still thinking how those eggs do comes to Imams hand. As the Imam notice his worries.. Imam Smiled and asked him arent you still thinking how those eggs comes into my hand? He got more astonished. How imams know his mind thinking? Then imam said do you know that you have a gift and do you know why this is gifted to you ? now he start thinking when & how this gift comes to him he has no answer to that question because he not think of that before. The imam decided to get him out of thinking by telling him that you have a nice habit of doing everything against nafas and Allah Al-mighty is pleased with you due to this nice habit / quality Allah Al-mighty has gifted you with this beautiful gift. He got more and more astonished how Imam Know about that habit? Then Imam told him another thing .. as you are Christian by religion and this habit has no reward in your religion so Allah Al-mighty have gifted you with this quality. As there is no reward for your this quality in Christianity why dont you come to join Islam?? . Person was still.. and astonished what to answer? Then after a while he replied would you (Imam) please teach me something about your religion? As far as Imam started to tell him about Islam his nafas started arguing him about dont do this dont acknowledge

this religion . And so on after fighting a long battle with his nafas (mind evil thinking) he at last converted himself to Islam. Then he practiced the preaching of Imam so properly and timely that he becomes one of the most closed students of the Imam. After a while he noticed that the quality (that he can read others mind and his forecast are 100 % accurate) that he has before converting to Islam is slowly vanishing he start thinking that he has lost one of best quality he has and started worrying about that As Imam was Imam he know everything (due to power given by the Allah Al-mighty) Imam read his mind and decided to give him relieve form his worries.. Imam asked for him as he comes to imam, imam place his closed hand in front of him and ask him would you please tell me what is in my hand. He tried his best and take the best shot he can ever in his life but was unable to tell Imam what was in his hand then he replied Imam when I was not on the right path I have a gift and now I am on the right path and I know that I am on the right path, but still I am unable to reach my quality to answer your question? Then Imam Holds him in his hand and told him some golden words those words which is a golden Advice for each and every Momin in the world. Imam said Do you know that, you are at that stage of your journey that where whatever you would have replied to my answer, that would come into my hand (Recite Durood: Allah Huma Saley Allah Muhammad Wah Aley Muhammad) Just think for a moment where that person is??..... in his journey for the love of Ahl-bait and his religion Islam, ..Anything. anything!! That he replied would have comes to hands of Imam (and that Imam Imam? The person who does anything with the power given to him by Allah Al-might) that is not a simple thing dear reader Just think again that was a Christian that converted to Islam and becomes so loveable to Allah Al-Mighty that Allah Al-mighty has place him at that stage of his journey where .. Whatever would he had replied to Imam would have comes to Imams hand Just think against how simple is to move to that stage How Allah Al-mighty has given us chances to become the right one.. by practicing the preaching of Imams (and guess what not single Imam. 12 Imams. And one of them is still with us) Momin has different signs / qualities... If you wana checks in which stage are you at the moment Just ask yourself how you feel about death? ask yourself how you think of death when death should come . Are you ready for that? Saying from Holy Quran : Wish for death if you are true one.. so if you wana check yourself you should have to desire / wish for your death. Saying of Mosameen

you should be ready for your death at any stage of life But at the moment if someone ask other the are you read for death he will definitely reply to other how can you ask such a question to me .. ? There are few things which we cannot control by saying anything that anyone can check that with how we practice of that thing Lets take an example now a day if we ask a child what do you think of death at the moment... he will definitely reply now? I am just a child I have seen world yet I have to do many things. I havent seen anything yet if you say the same thing to a Young man.. he will reply I havent married yet .. And etc. and if you ask the same to an old man who has children. What would he will reply . Yup I have done all that but if that possible that I would have visited Bait-ullah for another last Hajj.. And etc... I (Zakira- who is reciting) dont want to pass comments on the daily life of others but we dont why we delay everything for the sake of immortal world? Actually we dont want to leave this place (we called earth) and we have great sense of fear for death. That fear might be the hurdles that were laid by nafas (evil thinking of mind) and if you want to spit that fear out of our mind and soul, you have to follow the preaching and practices of Imam Hussain (Shaheed-e-Karbala) a.s. Just think for a moment when Imam Hussain (Alahay Salam ) has left Madina , imam has not think of that his son Ali Akbar (a.s) is ready for marriage or Qasim is ready he even dont think of last Hajj. at the moment when Allah Al-mighty have foretold him about a conspiracy of Monafiqeen ( The unreliable Muslims- mixed one)about his death in Bait-ullah. Before leaving , Imam move to graves of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) and his Mother... Bibi Fatima (salamullah alhay) The queen of our religion sit down there and weep there not for the fear of death but for how he can leave both the them because when he was so close to them. And then he left for his journey .. Although at the moment when Imam reached the holy place of Karbala he has still enough water ( which was on 53 camels ) which was given to Monafiqeen ( The unreliable Muslims- mixed one)to overcome the heat of that area but what they have did? they erected the Holy Camps form bank of river Imam kept his patience they cut supply of water . Imam kept his patience and at last the Nine (9th) of Muharam came . Worries are so heart breaking that I dont know how to place in front of you? How oppressed was Imam at that moment. Oh Imam our lives be scarified upon you attitude, oppresses your poverty May Allah Al-might dont test anyone in that scenario. That my holy Imam has faced. That kids are so young and die of thrust what would Imam had thought.. After listen.. ( !! Al-attash ... al-attash I am dying of thrust) Just think for moment dear listener (or readers) whenever we got cut in our hand we cry at the very moment.. or at last make a face like crying.. but can you imagine when in which condition Imam & Mosameen has passed although they have gifts but they were tested along with their gift and up that standard they were tested and when they were tested the death himself.. got shy after that.. death might have thought for a moment how can I dare to take the soul out of that body that has passed all the test which no one has still passed.

Lord Hazrat Abbas (a.s) Who has learnt all the rules , tactics from his father Lord Ali ibn-Abi-talib (a.s) and follow his way so much and was so competent in the field of war and battle that sometimes if Lord Ali ibn-Abi-talib (a.s) was not at the ground in the battle field almost all recognize Lord Hazrat Abbas as there is Lord Ali ibn-Abi-talib is fight not Lord Hazrat Abbas (a.s) and when Lord Ali ibn-Abi-talib (a.s) appear any moment then people think of the other one and then realize that .. Other one who battle just like Lord Ali ibn-Abi-talib (a.s) is Lord Hazrat Abbas (a.s). Just think of a moment camps are been erected from the bank of river.. and Lord Hazrat Abbas (a.s). acted upon Imam decision so patiently . ( I have recited that and you have listen that.) how difficult would be for Lord Hazrat Abbas (a.s) at that moment Once that was time....When Monafiqeen ( The unreliable Muslims- mixed one) has tried to erect the camps without Imam permission Lord Hazrat Abbas (a.s) marked the ground an out boundary with his sword around Holy Camps and Warned Monafiqeen ( The unreliable Muslims- mixed one)that . If someone has enough power to fight with me come and cross this line and guess what that there were thousands of Monafiqeen ( The unreliable Muslimsmixed one) at the other side but none of them has dare to cross that line. But when Imam Hussain Called Princess Hazrat Zainab (s.a) and asked her to please control Lord Abbas (a.s). Then Princess Hazrat Zainab (s.a) asked him please let monafiqeen erect their camps at that moment Lord Abbas (a.s). break his sword in front of his princess Just think for a moment that . This is the same Lord Abbas (a.s). Who has marked the boundary .. just a line from his sword on ground. No proper.. brick work. Just a boundary . Imaginary line on sand. Which can be rubbed.. .. the same Lord Abbas (a.s). is erecting those Holy Camps . By his own hand. Just on the order of His Holy princess. Would you imagine how he has faced those rascals again . They might be thinking Lord Abbas (a.s). got stress and got fear of their strength. But Allah Al-mighty Know everything.. Saying of Mosameen that .. they have not slaughter our elder of Karbala with sword but making such a scenario in which they wept so much that no one would have imagine that pain and patience they used to overcome that pain. And at last at the Order of Princess (s.a) and Lord Imam Hussain (a.s) , with the help of Lord Hazrat Abbas (a.s) Holy camps were erected from bank of river and the time has come when that was night of Ninth of Muharam and there was no enough water that would at least used to feed the young off springs ( little kids not so big enough to even move themselves) if a kid dont be given enough water he would have die at the very moment. At that moment Lord Abbas (a.s). waiting patiently for Lord Imam Hussain Decision . At last Lord Hazrat Abbas (a.s) fell apart into knees of Lord Imam Hussain and ask for permission to fight Lord Imam Hussain (a.s) replied how can I gave you permission to fight you are the Commander of My Army you are the flag carrier of my army ( usually whenever Lord Hazrat Abbas (a.s) visit Lord Imam Hussain (a.s) on both his side were either Prince Ali Akbar (a.s) and Prince Qasim (a.s) but at that moment both were martyr by monafiqeen ) .

Lord Hazrat Abbas (a.s) turn his head from right to left (as there was no one there) and asked Lord Imam Hussain (a.s) Which Army you are talking about.. ?? My Lord there is not army left whose commander were me at that moment whose flag carrier was me at that moment At the very moment young kids enter the holy camp saying Al-attash Al attash ( we are thirsty we are thirsty ) then Imam Hussain asked him My brother if you are insisting so much .. you have to bring water for the young one then you will be able to fight ..he never argued Lord Hazrat Abbas (a.s) then visit the young princess (Bibi Sakina) no one know what was that conversation . Lord Hazrat Abbas (a.s) have kneez apart and placed his sword in her footsteps and asked her that he is not going for fight but for water to feed young one like you.. At the very moment Princess Zainab & Lord Imam Hussain has conversion about the ownership / guardianship of Flag . At the moment Princess Zainab has asked Imam Hussain that no one is eligible except Lord Abbas (a.s) and the flag was given to Lord Abbas (a.s) I dont know how Imam gave him that flag that has become the ownership of Lord Abbas (a.s) although he is gone the flag is still symbol of Abbas and till the judgment day it will be . Thats why we called it Alma-e-Abbas ( Flag of Abbas) and the same is the condition with the mashk we call mashk-e-sakina ( water pouch of Sakina). Atlast Lord Abbas ( a.s) . Move to the river across the battle field not for fight but fort to defend and bring water and then a voice been heard. Lord ! Oh Lord!.. .my last Salam (greeting) . As the Lord Imam Hussain (a.s) hear the voice .Lord Imam Hussain (a.s) reaches his dear brother so quickly . It was like a falcon who is moving in a supersonic motion while snatching his pray (which crush the wind so quickly that no one can imagine its speed ). As Lord Imam Hussain (a.s) reach the point where Lord Abbas (a.s) was.. and tried to get his body to Holy Camps.. .Lord Abbas requested Lord Imam Hussain .. .Please .. please dont move my body and dont bring back my body into the camp I feel shy to Princess Sakina I have promised her to bring water for her.. how can I face him please I request you my Lord Lord Imam Hussain (a.s) left his body there and carried his flag and moved to Holy Camps where kids & Princesses are waiting for Lord Abbas(a.s). But when princesses watch the sense . Princess Zainab Loudly shouted.. Now I came to understand Fathers saying that all my Hijab will be perished by monafiqeen .

( I dont know how I translated that . But I have finished it in 5 hours you know why because I cant be able to write that in one go. Not that I dont know how translate it .. .but due to tears which I cant stop while translating.. this piece.. Especially last phrases ) Eltamas-e-dua For : Mosafir-e-Najaf and for the Zakira Fizza Lariab May God Bless her More wisdom & Knowledge Ameen

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