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PMR 2004 1. The data in diagram 5 shows marks obtained by 20 participants in a quiz 1 4 6 5 4 6 3 5 4 6 2 1 2 4 6 1 2 4 2 3

a) Using the data, complete the frequency table in the answer space b) State the mode [3 marks] Answer : a) Marks 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequency b)

PMR 2004 2. Table 1 shows the number of books in the reading corners of three classes. Class Number of Books Aman 75 Bestari 60 Cerdas 90 Table 1 The information of Bestari class is shown fully in pictograph in the answer space. Complete the pictograph to represent all the information in table 1. [3 marks] Answer: Number of books in the reading corners Aman Bestari Cerdas

represent .books

PMR 2005 3. Table 1 shows the number of students who play four types of games. Types of games Number of students Ping pong Badminton Hockey Hand ball 8 15 25

12 Table 1 The information for badminton shown fully in the pie chart in the answer space. Complete the pie chart to represent all the information in Table 1. [5 marks] Answer:

badminton 90o

PMR 2006 4. Diagram 5 is a pie chart which shows the number of pupils in five groups who complete an assignment during a motivational camp .
Tuah 10 Lekiu 12 Lekir 8 Jebat x Kasturi 2x

Diagram 5 It is given that the total number of pupils who complete the assignment is 36. a) Find the value of x b) Calculate the angle of the sector representing the Tuah group. Show your working. c) State the mode of your data. [5 marks] Answer : a)



PMR 2006 5. Table 1 shows the profit made from the sales of nasi lemak at a stall over five days. Day Profit (RM) Monday 32 Tuesday 40 Wednesday Thursday Friday 24 28 28 Table 1 On diagram 4 in the answer space, draw a line graph to represent all the information in Table 1. Use the scale 2 cm to RM8 on the vertical axis. [4 marks] Answer:

PMR 2007 6. Table I shows three activities participated by a group of 50 students.

(a) Find the value of M. (b) Hence, represent all the data by drawing a bar chart in the answer space. [4 marks] Answer (a)

(b) Number of students

7. The data in Diagram 6 shows the number of story books read by a group of 20 students in February.

(a) Using the data, complete the frequency table shown in the answer space. (b) State the mode. [3 marks] Answer: a) Number of books Frequency b) 1 2 3 4 5 6

8. The data in Diagram 5 shows the scores obtained by 30 participants in a game.

(a) Using the above data, complete the frequency table shown in the answer space. (b) State the mean. [3 marks] Answer (a) Scores Frequency (b) 9. Table 1 shows the favourite fruits of a group of students. The information for mangosteen is shown fully in the pie chart in the answer space. Types of fruits Number of students Rambutan 26 Durian 28 Mangosteen 10 Mango 16 Complete the pie chart to represent all the informations in Table 1. [5 marks] Answer: 1 2 3 4 5

10. Table 1 shows the favourite hobbies of a group of students. Hobby Number of students Pancing 9 Music 14 Reading 16 Swimming 21 On the grid of equal squares provided in the answer space, construct a bar chart to represent the informations shown in Table 1. [4 marks]


11. Table 1 shows the number of cars sold by a salesman. Colour of car Number of cars sold Red 15 White 8 Blue 11 Black 16 On the grid of equal squares provided in the answer space, construct a line graph to represent the informations shown in Table 1. Find the highest and the lowest sales. [4 marks] Answer.

12. The line graph in Diagram 1 shows the profit of a food stall in a particular week.

Calculate the total profit of the week. [2 marks] 13. Table 1 shows the grades obtained by a group of students in a monthly test. GRADE NUMBER OF STUDENT A 14 B 20 C 18 D 25 E 23 On the square grid provided in the answer space, construct a line graph to represent all the informations given.

[4 marks]

14. The incomplete bar chart in Diagram 3 shows the number of Mathematics books sold by a book shop over a period of four months. The number of books sold in March is

1 of the 3

number of books sold in January while the sales in April is twice the sales in February. Complete the bar chart in Diagram 3.

[2 marks] 15. Table 2 shows the number of diskettes sold in three shops Shop Setia Bestari Cemerlang Number of diskettes 90 60 80

The information for Bestari shop is shown fully in the pictograph in the answer space. Complete the pictograph to represent all the informations in Table 2.

[3 marks] 16. The data in Diagram 5 shows the scores obtained by 30 participants in a game.

Diagram 5 (a) Using the data, complete the frequency table shown in the answer space. (b) State the median. Scores 0 1 2 3 4 5 Frequency [3 marks]

17. Table 1 shows the number of cars sold by a salesman in a period of four months. Month Number of cars sold January 32 February 29 March 14 April 20 On the grid of equal squares provided in the answer space, construct a bar chart to represent all the informations in Table 2.

[4 marks] 18. The incomplete bar chart in Diagram 5 represents the number of televisions sold by a shop in four months. The sale in March is three times the sale in January whereas the sale in April is half of the sale in February. Complete the bar chart and state the total number of televisions sold in the four months.

[3 marks]

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