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1.Introduction to NTFS Permissions

Access Control List
NTFS Permissions
NTFS Folder Permissions
NTFS File Permissions

2. How Windows 2000 Applies NTFS Permissions

Multiple NTFS Permissions
Permissions are Cumulative
File Permissions Override Folder Permissions
Deny Overrides Other Permissions
NTFS Permissions Inheritance
Permissions Inheritance
Preventing Permissions Inheritance
Copying and Moving Files and Folders
Copying Files and Folders
Moving Files and Folders
3. Using NTFS Permissions
Granting NTFS Permissions
Setting Permission Inheritance
Best Practices for Granting NTFS Permissions

4. Using Special NTFS Permissions
Introduction to Special NTFS Permissions
Change Permissions
Take Ownership
Granting Special NTFS Permissions

5. Compressing Data on an NTFS Partition
Introduction to Compressed Files and Folders
Compressing Files and Folders
Setting Compression State
Changing Display color
Copying and Moving Compressed Files and Folders
Best Practices for Compressing Data

6. Configuring Disk Quota on NTFS Partitions

Using Disk Quotas
Setting Disk Quotas
Enabling Disk Quotas
Enforcing Disk Quotas for all users
Enforcing disk Quotas for individuals

7. Securing data by using NTFS
Introduction to EFS
Encrypting a Folder or file
Decrypting a Folder or file
Recovering an Encrypted Folder or file

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