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1. Family and Friends 1. What is the average family like in Hungary? 2. What is your own family like? 3. In what ways do you take after the members of your family in appearance and character? 4, How about household pers? Have you got one? 5.Who looks after the pets in your family? 6. Do your grandparents live with you? 7.Do you live at home? 8.Do you get on well with your family? 9.Do you spend a lot of time with your family? 10. What sort of things do you do together? 11, Has your relationship with your parents and other members of your family changed as you have grown older? 12.Do you have a lot of relatives? 13. What is meant by close and distant relations? 14.Do you think that large families are happy families? 15.1s family life today more pleasant than a hundred years ago? 16. What do you think might be the effects of technology on family life? 17. What factors are important in deciding when to leave home? 18. At what age do young people usually leave home in Hungary? 19.Do you approve of couples living together and even having children without getting married? 20.What is the ideal age to start a family? 21.How much freedom is given to you to make your own decisions? 22.What do you most like and dislike about family life these days? 23. What is your opinion of early matriages? 24, What is your opinion of arranged marriages? 25. How do you imagine your future family? Would you like just one child or more? 26. How can parents prepare their child for the arrival of a baby? 27. How much freedom do you think children should have in the choice of friends, hobbies and careers? 28. Does an only child miss a lot of things? 29.Do you think family planning makes any sense? 30. Why do you think more and more marriages break up? 31. Is the generation gap bigger today than before? 32.Do you have a lot of friends? 33. What do you usually do together? 34. How do you choose your friends? 35, What is your best friend like? 36. What inner qualities do you consider to be essential ones? 37.Do you have friends abroad? 38. How do you keep in contact? 39. Have you ever visited your friend abroad? 40. In what ways do you think young people are different in different countries? Kérdések és valaszok angol nyelvbél ) 1,In most families there are two children, a mother, and a father. Of course, it’s diffi- cult to tell because there are families with more than two children and many couples get divorced and the children usually stay with the mother, In some families there are three generations living together. ‘This means that one or both of the grandparents live with the family too, and they help with the housework and they also look after the children while the parents are at work. 2.1 have a relatively large family: my parents, a younger sister and an elder brother, and my grandmother. She moved to our house after the death of my grandfather three years ago. My father is 44 years old. He is a tall man with curly brown hair and a moustache. He works as a corporate lawyer for a big international company. Although he’s very busy, he has several hobbies. He does woodwork, plays tennis regularly, and sometimes goes hunting, and he always finds time to be with us as well. My mother is an elegant slender woman. She has big blue eyes, and she has her hair dyed red, She is a teacher, and on every second day she teaches aerobics for women, Her hobby is knitting and embroidery, and she took up patchwork about a year ago. My grandmother is at home and helps her with the housework. She’s an excellent cook and she always prepares our favourite dishes. My younger sister is 8 years old and goes to a nearby primary school. She takes after my mother in both her appearance and character. She's kind and intelligent and likes going to school very much because she has lots of friends there. She goes to piano lessons twice a week, and she’s good at swimming too. My elder brother is a university student. He studies engineering in the capital where he rents a flat near the university with two of his friends. I miss him very much because I can discuss everything with him, He comes home almost every weekend and we go to the gym together. As we both are great movie fans, we go to the cinema nearly every Saturday evening. We have a dog, a golden retriever, and we go for long walks on the riverbank or in the forest near the town. w - Most people say that I’m just like my mother. We both have big brown eyes, brown hair and similar features. We are both interested in arts, so we often go to exhibitions and concerts together. We never miss a performance of the local ballet group. | 4.No, we haven’t got any pets because we live in a flat, and I agree with my parents who say that keeping a dog or a cat in a flat is not good either for the pet or for the family. But my parents promised to buy me a hamster for my birthday. Our neighbour has two budgerigars and I look after them when she is on holiday. 5.We have a dog, a cat, a tortoise, and some fish in the aquarium in the living room. I and my brother look after all the pets and sometimes my father takes the dog for a walk to the park. I give the dog dogfood and some hot dogs or meat in the evenings. The cat is fed by my brother, who gives it catfood and some milk. The tortoise likes fresh lettuce the most. We clean the aquarium every month and feed the fish in the mornings. A vet comes to see the pets once a year. He vaccinates the dog and the cat and prescribes some vitamins if necessary. When we are on holiday, either our neigh- bours or my grandparents look after the pets. Family and Friends 6. Yes, we live together in a big house. My grandparents live downstairs and we live upstairs. We usually get together on Sundays when my grandmother cooks lunch for the whole family, including my cousins and their parents. Of course, we meet my grandparents on others days too, but we don’t spend much time together. 7-Yes, but as I'm a student, I stay at a hostel during the school year. I can go home only every second weekend because the university is very far from my hometown. 8. Yes, we always discuss our problems and the good things that have happened to us, We share all the housework, we plan what to do around the house, we go to do the shopping together at weekends, and we also plan together where to go and what to do during the holidays. 9. Yes, we try to, although everybody is rather busy in my family: We often go to the hills at weekends. Apart from hiking, we visit small villages there and try traditional dishes, In summer we either rent a small house to stay in or put up our tent. When the weather is cold, we stay at pensions. We like going on cycling tours as well, although it can be tiring in the hills. We have already been abroad by camper. Sometimes we 0 to water polo matches with my father who used to play in the national team. 10. We have season tickets to the theatre every year, and we often go to the performances of the open-air theatre too. We have a lot of friends, and we often barbecue together in our backyard. My father is very good at cooking excellent steaks, and my mother prepares delicious salads and dressings, In the evening we often play cards or backgammon. 11. Yes, of course, we talk about more serious issues, and I'm involved in all kinds of deci- sions concerning my family. I don’t have to be told what responsibilities I have to take in the family as I do things on my own initiative. 12. Yes, I have two aunts and three uncles. One of my aunts lives quite close to us, so we often come together to have lunch or dinner, and I go to the cinema with my cousins almost every week. My other aunt lives in the States and, unfortunately, I haven't met her yet, We often write to each other, and I even chat with her on the Internet. Maybe she will come and see us next summer, Two of my uncles live in the capital and I usu- ally spend at least 2 week with cither of them during my holidays. As they are quite busy, they come to see us only when there's a big family celebration, I don’t know much about my third uncle who lives in a small village with his family. 13. Close relatives are your grandparents, your uncles and aunts and their families. Your distant relatives are, for example, your grandparents’ brothers and sisters and their families, 1 B -{ don’t think that happiness depends on the size of the family. I know a divorced woman who lives alone with her child and they are very happy together, 1 also know a family with five children who never spend any time together. Two of the children have already moved away from home and they hardly ever visit their parents.

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