Table of Population Data With Average and Relative Growth Rate Figures

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Table of Population Data with Average and Relative Growth Rate figures:

Average Growth Year 1939 1948 1960 1970 1975 1980 1990 1995 2000 2007 Population 39,013 107,977 397,990 754,452 956,864 1,165,865 1,669,776 1,989,419 2,173,831 2,679,450 Rate P/t 0 7,663 24,168 35,647 40,483 41,801 50,392 63,929 36,883 72,232

Relative Growth Rate P/t/P 0 0.07097 0.06073 0.04725 0.04231 0.03585 0.03018 0.03213 0.01697 0.02696

= k= 0.36335/9 = 0.04037

To solve for the Average Growth Rate, we use the formula P/t, which is the change of population divided by change of time. To get the Relative Growth Rate, we use the formula P/t/P, which is after dividing change of population by change of time, we divide the quotient to the population on that year. To solve for k, we get the average of the relative growth rates.

Graphical Presentation of Historical Data on Population

Actual Population Projected Population

Graph of estimated population for each year beginning from the base year to 2021 superimposed on the historical data graph

Year 1939 1948 1960 1970 1975 1980 1990 1995 2000 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2015 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Actual Population 39,013 107,977 397,990 754,452 956,864 1,165,865 1,669,776 1,989,419 2,173,831 2,679,450

Projected Population 39,013 56,105 91,074 136,370 166,870 204,193 305,750 374,135 457,815 607,320 632,339 658,389 685,512 713,752 743,156 773,771 805,647 838,836 873,393 909,373 946,836 985,841 1,026,454 1,068,740

To solve for the projected population for each year, we used the formula P=Pokt. Po is the actual population which is 39,013; k is the average of the relative growth rate which is 0.04037; and t is the time which depends on what year you are computing.

Statement of the Mathematical Model

Po= 39013 k= 0.04037 P=Pokt P=39013e(0.04037t)

Statement of the Objective

To predict the population growth rate of Quezon City 10 years from the present. To know the estimated population rate/ size of Quezon City in the upcoming years. To aim for future plans and projects that would benefit the whole city involving the citys growth/decline rate. To anticipate the needs of rapid-growing city in terms of employment, housing, food supply. To ready the people and resources to be used in the upcoming years.

Significance of Study
This study would help the local officials to be alert and prepared for future plans or actions to be imposed for the progress of the city. This will help the city council to ready the human, natural and physical resources needed for the growing population ten years from now. Using this study, we can anticipate the future essential necessities needed to sustain my citizens. It is a critical mathematical study where a citys progress can be attained.

Findings and Recommendations

After our group has finished our research and computations, we found out that the actual population of Quezon City is growing faster than what is anticipated and it has grown beyond our projected population for the city. This is evident in the year 2007 wherein our projected population was 607,320 but the actual population was a staggering 2,679,450. The citys population is growing more and more each year and due to the limited resources of the area, the government must think of ways to properly allocate its available goods and services to the growing number of people within its area. For future students who would find this research helpful, we recommend that you consider researching the earliest possible census of the area and its latest as well, by doing this, you are able to broaden and solidify your historical data. You should also be sure of you computations and to recheck them as to avoid errors in your work. Lastly, we believe that the reason why the actual population is greater than what we projected is that we failed to consider the current and future issues of the economy. Since you cannot accurately predict what would happen in our economy, it would be impossible to pinpoint the exact number of people in an area for years to come but through these recommendations, you would be able to have better results and predictions for the population and it would make your work better and more reliable.

Detailed Plan of Action In Response to the Findings and Recommendations to Address Housing, Employment and Food Security for the Projected Population in 2011
Population is the total number of inhabitants constituting a particular race in a specified area. All our lives we have heard of many things about population growth, birth rates, death decreases and so on with other things. In our society today, population is placed in danger if the growth of it is not prevented. In Quezon City, based on our findings, it is said that their population is growing beyond the projected population. What plans should the people in Quezon City take? We came up of some plans that we can follow and if we unite as one, we can prevent any problem that might occur. There are so many ways to prevent the population in order to provide housing, employment and food security equally in Quezon City, but our group came up of three major plans to take and these are: Spread awareness, educate people, and strict rules from government. Spread awareness, if people will be aware of the current population growth of their place, they can come up with their own rules to take to help with the oppressing problem, they will also discipline themselves because they will know what bad might happen if the problem wont be prevented. Educate people, educating people is not an easy job, but through the schools and some talks in their community, it will be easier. Students, primarily high school students, should have sex educations inside their schools aside from that, the parents should also guide their children about this, because it is a sensitive topic. Strict rules from government. If the government will be strict on rules, it will be easy to solve the problem. The government can give equal housing through holding the price of the land or owning commercial lots and selling them in lower prices. The government can also provide more employment for the people through getting more investors and also, government can give the security of the food for the people if resources are well taken care of. These things that government could accomplish will be achieved if the people will do their part in controlling the population growth of their community.

Graphical Presentation of Historical Data on Population

Actual Population Projected Population


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