Authentic MaterialTravel

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Prepared by; Patricia Janette Rodriguez Esteva, Elizabeth Cancino, Emmanuel Chavez Ruiz & Isaac Lopez from

the Universidad Regional del Sureste Lesson Plan Name: How to travel Hour: 40-50 mins Grade Level: 9-12 Evaluation/Goal: Students will be able to plan their next vacation Suggested Resources: Flight Tickets, Checks, Credit card, Brochures Extra: Call a hotel and reserve a room Time 3:45mins Activity The class will watch the video of Mr. Bean and they will have to guess why is he doing what he does. (Showing picture of a Suitcase) The class will go over the items Mr. Bean put in his suitcase. Questions about the video. (Powerpoint) and other items used in different kinds of trips Vacation: Brochures to places students might find attractive. They will read it to each other and try to convince the other person that their brochure is the best A video about a good/ bad vacation Strategy T-S Evaluation Can they remember previous knowledge Material Computer Cable Projector Video Speakers Computer Cable Projector Video Speakers



A sheet of questions will be given


S-S Pairs

Can they persuade their partner

Printed articles Pencils Paper Page covers


S-S Pairs

Can they write about a past experience (recall)

Computer Cable Projector Video Speakers Pencil Paper Pencil Paper


They will need to list items they would take on a vacations Plan a trip: Investigate where they would like to visit, look for places to see, and map out a route.

SIndividual SIndividual

Can they make a list


Can they go on the Internet and look for an appealing place to visit and map where they would do and what they would pack

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