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BRONCHITIS SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Predisposing Factors: Etiologic Agent: Bacteria Virus Precipitating Factors: Hospitalization Unadvisable Environment

onment Smoking Malnutrition Elderly Immobilization Immune Deficiency Long Term Illness Smoking

Microorganism enter respiratory tract by droplet inhalation Widespread inflammation occurs (Increased goblet cells, squamous metaplasia of columnar epithelium, acute leukotic and lymphocytic infiltration of bronchial walls) Thin mucous lining of the bronchi can become irritated and swollen Cells that make up this lining may leak fluids in response to the inflammation Coughing as a reflex that works to clear secretions from the lungs Alveolar fluid increase Narrowing of airways Ventilation decreases as secretion thickens Mucus within the airways produces resistance in small airways and can cause severe ventilation- perfusion imbalance

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