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Biomass product recovery: Downstream processing technologies for algae and bacteria

Industry; Energy producers

Water treatment & Food industry

Filtration, Instrumentation

Biotech, Biofuels, Cosmaceuticals & Fine chemicals Neutraceuticals

Biocomposites & Materials

A knowledge transfer event (Welsh Government A4B programme) 09:30 - 15:30, Fri 4th Nov 2011, Digital Technium - Swansea Campus (SA2 8PP)
Come and learn the principles, as well as see firsthand, cell recovery techniques available for the downstream processing of micro-organisms. Our KTC experts will be on hand to answer your technical questions and convey the assistance available from the WAG A4B and the expertise offered by: Algal Biotechnology for Wales & Advanced Membrane Separation and Surface Technologies KTCs Centre for Nanohealth

The meeting, including a buffet lunch, is FREE for registered attendees (limited places available): PROVISIONAL AGENDA Registration & refreshments Welcome and introduction to workshop goals Overview of services available to businesses at Swansea University: Algal Biotechnology for Wales Knowledge Transfer Centre Advanced Membrane Separation and Surface Technologies Knowledge Transfer Centre Centre for Nanohealth Explanation of workshop practical sessions and cell processing theory Laboratory practical session - techniques for drying and shearing cells Buffet Lunch & Networking session Laboratory practical session - techniques for drying and shearing cells Debriefing, discussion and feedback session Optional tours: Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research (CSAR) Centre for Complex Fluids Processing (CCFP) PLEASE RESERVE YOUR PLACE NOW BY CONTACTING US: Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research, Swansea University, Singleton Park, Swansea, SA2 8PP Phone: 01792 295446 Fax: 01792 295447 Email:
KTC projects are supported by the Academic Expertise for Business Programme (A4B). A4B is managed by the Welsh Governments Department of Business, Enterprise, Technology and Science, and is financed by WG and the European Regional Development Fund.

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