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Circle Name


Site ID AP1161U_GU AP1161U_GU AP1161U_GU

Site Name Kotuvaristrtrepalle Kotuvaristrtrepalle Kotuvaristrtrepalle

Sector ( 1/2/3) A B C

Town Name Kotuvaristrtrepalle Kotuvaristrtrepalle Kotuvaristrtrepalle

Cluster ID

BSC Name

Cell Name_Planned
AP1161U_GU_A AP1161U_GU_B AP1161U_GU_C

Cell Name_Verified AP1161U_GU_A AP1161U_GU_B AP1161U_GU_C

LAC_Planned LAC_Verified 12070 12070 12070

CI_Planned 11611 11612 11613

CI_Verified 11611 11612 11613

LONG_Planne d 80.83078 80.83078 80.83078

LONG_Verifie BCCH_Planne BCCH_Verifie BCCH_Optimize LAT_Planned LAT_Verified d d d d

80.83078 80.83078 80.83078 16.01761 16.01761 16.01761 16.01761 16.01761 16.01761

588 580 584

588 580 584

588 580 584

BSIC_Planned BSIC_Verified BSIC_Optimized 31 11 36 65 64 63 65 64 63

HSN_Pla HSN_Verifi MCC_Plan MCC_Verifi nned ed ned ed

Tower Tower MNC_Plan MNC_Verifi Buil Type_Propos Type_Actua ned ed HT_Proposed ed l GBT GBT GBT GBT GBT GBT

Buil HT_Actual

Twr HT_Proposed

Twr HT_Actual

ANT HT_Planned

ANT HT_Verified

GSM GSM AZIMUTH_Pla AZIMUTH_Ver Type_Planned Type_Verified nned ified 50 210 300
50 210 300

ELEC ELEC ELEC MECH MECH MECH BTS AZIMUTH_ TILT_Pla TILT_Veri TILT_Opti TILT_Pla TILT_Veri TILT_Optimiz TYPE_Propos Optimized nned fied mized nned fied ed ed
50 210 300 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2

BTS BTS_CONF_P BTS_CONF_A Swap Detail TYPE_Actual roposed ctual

TMA Installed

Other hardware issue

cyclic swap -Sec.A swaped with sec.B cyclic swap -Sec.B swaped with sec.C cyclic swap -Sec.C swaped with sec.A

Status ( Open/Close )

Served area
Kotuvaristrtrepalle Kotuvaristrtrepalle Kotuvaristrtrepalle

Engineer Name DA Name

Amarjith Sudhakar.K Amarjith Sudhakar.K Amarjith Sudhakar.K

DT Done Remarks Date

6-Aug-11 6-Aug-11 6-Aug-11 Swap cleared Swap cleared Swap cleared

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