Geography Key Points

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Geography Key Points

Ch.2 Climate of Pakistan

A. Climate:
Q1. Differentiate between climate and weather. Weather-atmospheric conditions e.g. temperature, humidity, pressure, winds- for a short period- localized Climate- generalization- day to day weather condition- usually for thirty years.

Q2.Describe the climatic zones of Pakistan? Mention the areas included. Why are not exactly the same conditions in the same climatic zone?

Highland Zone- North, north-western, western mountains- high altitude- 2000-8000 metres for north, north western- 10004000 metres for western mountains- Rainfall- relief, monsoon, western depression mainly- temperature- cool-cold in winterwarm- mild in summer. Lowland Zone- All of Indus plain except coastal part of Sindharid and extreme summers- cold-mild winters- rainfall differs from north to south mainly through monsoon, western depressions Coastal Zone- areas near the Arabian Sea-both in Sindh and Baluchistan- maritime influence- low and high pressure- sea breezes in summer and land breezes in winter- summer hotwarm-winter mild-warm-Humid climate- rainfall through monsoon, tropical cyclones. Arid Zone- desert areas e.g. Kharan, Thar Desert- Dry very hot summers mild winters-dusty winds-scanty rainfall. Conditions arent same- variation in altitude-latitude-longituderainfall- humidity.

Q3. Describe the characteristics of the winter climate of the Northern Mountains. How does the winter climate there make it a difficult area in which to live?

Winter is very cold-cold-harsh-snowfall-land becomes inaccessible-roads are blocked- life becomes difficult for inhabitants

Q4. Describe the characteristics of the summer climate of the Thar Desert. How the summer climate there affects the way that the area is used. Very hot summer-extreme-No or little rainfall-Acute shortage of water- agriculture not possible under extreme conditionsdifficulty in irrigation- No productive human activity- Land rendered useless.

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