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The Pathinen Siddhar Peedam XI Gnalaguru Siddhar Karuwooraar {785 A.D. - 1040 A.D.] The Redeemer And The Saviour The Meignanakody of I.M.1. The Pathinen Siddhar Peedam XII th His Holiness Gnalaguru Siddhar Arasayogi Karuwooraar The Liberator And The Divinator, THE PATHINEN SIDDHAR PEEDAM AND MADAM usd se FF Hye Wak, wi tb. Founded in 43.71.101 B.C. INDU MARUMALARCHY IYAKKAM Qay oxywovuiésA Qussanw Founded in 72A.D ; 785A D.; 1772A.D. Arutpani Virivaakka Thittam (Tue PLANNING AND SCHEMING FORUM OF Divine SERVICES] Auht_ soo aS Rasa da 4; Ss The Pathinen Siddhar “GURUDEVAR Peedam & Madam, ESI Quarters, GNT Road. SEMBIAM, . KARANopaI, Madras-600011. Madras-600057. Prone: 619994 Publication No. 422/11-88 Please Donate Rs. 1-50 We Pray and Perform Poojas for You We Provide all Kinds of Mystical Ailments; to Safeguard you from all the ills and evils. We Help you to solve the Undeciphered Mysteties in this Human Life through Divinity. We Preach and Teach you to Uplift your ‘Aavy’, ‘Aanmaa’ and Aaruyir’ 2,09, sour, 9, cRudT ['Aavy’ = Spirit; Aanmaa’= Soul; ‘Aaruyir’ = Life — The Pathinen Siddhars explain scientifically about these three Existences in aman... Further details can be had directly from the ‘Guru Peedam’] Those who cherish to Acquire the Real Knowledge about Divinity; and those who wilfully Aspire to get Divinised. can come for- ward with Whole-Heartedness and Dedication. * x * * Siuchars is ihe vet ot Universe: reace a& Fratesiity The iiduism of oy existing Source aia Fo Universa) Liberty. Equeity a: The indus of Professes the policy F to As} Huma. Raves NOTE The INDUISM of Uo Satctham ie NOT ing HINQUISM. The Higa neving dite -atures if SANSRGE Lancgouge is analy a 3,006 _ years oid. ts istance onty after the entry of Aryan., Inte the india 3066 years back On the hand, the Induism of the Siddiiais if 43 70,089 Years ofa it 3 ond presteed Urowaih Ua Divine TAMIL, Which is as Gld as Imes earth fnduism of Giddhars (8 bet WO Ds rig, The bh Sitgners i the Motaes Ligues Gt el & theca. i explains attuaily aff tae Mystca ao Owinical Arts and wn fom the ciodimary iSlage, God Se ait wie Los WS UE WES Weta ate toe Fists at te Garces, of indaise: (Suiuhatiges. SPECIAL FEATURES (a) The Induism of the Siddhars explains that “Woman is not a taboo for Spiritual Life” (b) The Tantric, Yeantric poojas of the Siddhars has the solid basis on the Deificaticn of Women. In other words, Man cannot acquire the Divine powers directly; Throush women alone man can bringferth the Divine powers and acquire the Powers by doing Poojas with the Women. (c) The Induism of the Siddhars explains that:— ‘:Women are the Flowers to be Offered in poojas’’ ; +*Women are the Flowers Blossoming every month” ; ‘‘Women are the Holiest and the most Sacred among Creations’’. (d) The Induism of the Siddhars professes that it is not necessary to Renounce the worldly Life to attain Divinity. DivinityCan be achieved even through the Family Life. (e) Divinity is possible only through Guru. Guru is Ithe personification of God. *« * * *

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