Cumberland Metal Industries: Group 6, Section B

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Cumberland Metal Industries

Group 6, Section B

Market Analysis
Threat of new entrants low, most competitors are substantially smaller Bargaining power not unevenly concentrated towards buyers

Competitors have no competence in technical, market or product development Suppliers same as those for existing products

Most substitutes (asbestos, aluminium etc) are technologically inferior

Pricing Decision

Step 1: Selecting the price objective

Maximizing current profit Profitability of existing products falling No immediate competition

Step 2: Determining the demand

Due to technological superiority of product, demand is price insensitive Even at a very high price, net margins of consumers are expected to increase by about 25%

Pricing Decision (contd.)

Step 3: Estimating costs

Cost estimated using addition of permanent tooling To make a conservative estimate, 360% overhead cost also taken

Step 4: Analyzing competitors offers

Competition mainly unorganized Currently only asbestos and aluminium pads used, much cheaper than CMIs product Due to lack of resources, competition unlikely to enter in the near future

Pricing Decision (contd.)

Step 5: Selecting a pricing method

Markup pricing: Price is set so as to have an overall profit margin of 50%

Step 6: Selecting the final price

Based on calculations, final price chosen is: $140 per pad Hence, price per set: $ 840

Even at this price, overall margin of customers is expected to increase by around 25% By the time other competitors enter, CMI should have accumulated experience advantage, thereby allowing it to reduce costs further B6_CMI.xlsx

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