Newsletters 2002 - AVT

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Newsletters 2002

CONFUSABLE WORDS: TAX - DUTY FINE -- Tax: (impuesto) amount of money paid to the government to pay for public services. -- Duty: (derechos tasas) a special tax paid on goods such as alcoholic drinks, cigarettes and petrol or when one import goods into a country. -- Fine: (multa) amount paid for an offence or crime (delito). -MARKETING -- Marketing: ( puede aparecer traducido como mercadeo o marketing)the anticipation, management and satisfaction of demand through the exchange process. -- Overall objectives: (objetivos generales) The broad measurable goals set by the top management.. -- Consumer Prices Index CPI: ( Indice de precio al cosumidor): a federal government measure of the cost of living. Measures the monthly and yearly price changes for selected consumer goods and services in different product categories, expressing the changes in terms of a base period. -BANKING -- Quasi-money: (cuasi dinero) bienes que tienen propiedades similares a las del dinero en sentido estricto, por ej. Pagares y depsitos pagaderos a la vista. -- Exchange controls: (controles de cambio) restricciones gubernamentales que limitan el derecho de cambiar la moneda nacional por la moneda de otro pas. -- Exchange current: (cambio actual) tipo de cambio en curso 05-2002

CONFUSABLE WORDS: BEFORE IN FRONT OF -- Before: (ante - antes) it is used to speak about smth. that happens at an earlier time than smth. else. ( He thought for a moment before we spoke). -- In front of: (en frente de) to be further forward smth. or someone. ( He stood in front of the desk. You can use before and in front of in formal use.( before / in front of / facing a similar situation ).

-RECOMMENDED URLS -- Oxford University Press Oxford Advanced Dictionary - Ingles - Ingles: -- Merriam-Webster's Dictionary: -- Banca Y Finanzas: -- Banco Mundial, Glosario del:
Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos Aires Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contctenos en:



Training & Translations - BANKING -- Accumulative (cumulativo) arreglo por el que un dividendo o inters que no se devenga o recibe al vencerse, se agrega a los que se vayan a pagar en el futuro. -- Cummulative: (acumulado, acumulativo) disposicin por la que los dividendos o intereses, no pagados o recibidos en su vencimiento, se agregan a los pagaderos en un futuro. 07-2002

CONFUSABLE WORDS: SPEECH- TALK LECTURE -- Speech: (sermon speech ) formal way of speaking to an audience where you say things you have prepared. ( He worked on Wilsons policy speeches). -- Talk: (charla) informal way of speaking to an audience, where you normally prepare what you say but do not always have a written text.( His weekly talks on the BBC radio were very good. -- Lecture: ( conferencia) fairly formal way of speaking to an audience, specially to a group of students about an academic subject. ( The fist lecture at university was given by the language teacher).

RECOMMENDED URLS -- DICCIONARY OF PHRASES, SAYINGS, WORD ORIGIN: -- Glosarios sobre ttulos y bonos: -- Varios glosarios de la Reserva Federal

-BANKING -- Write-down (depreciacin de un activo) disminucin del valor contable den bien para ajustarlos de acuerdo con las perdidas de capital por la rebaja en el valor del bien. -- Write-off: (cancelacin ,deuda incobrable) bien que se ha determinado que es incobrable y por tanto se cancela y registra como perdida. Ver written down value. -- Written-down value: (depreciacin de valor) termino de contabilidad para la valuacin o costo de cualquier accin menos las cancelaciones por depreciaciones. 08-2002

Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos Aires Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contctenos en:



Training & Translations

CONFUSABLE WORDS: AGENDA DIARY -- Agenda: (orden del dia) list of things that people want to discuss or deal with in a meeting. ( It was possible to place it on the agenda for discussion by the next international congress). -- Diary: (agenda) it is a book that has a blank space or page for each day of the year.( He wrote down his appointment for 10.30 in his desk diary).

RECOMMENDED URLS -- Weights and Measures -- Acronyms http: / / / cgi-bin / acronym http: / / / acronym / acronym.htm

-BANKING -- International Money Order (giro monetario internacional) : giro monetario emitido por un banco, compaa financiera u oficina de correos que es pagadero en el extranjero. -- Money Order- MO (giro postal) los giros postales y bancarios son instrumentos que compran comnmente, pagando una comisin, quienes no desean mantener una cuenta de cheques y que quieren enviar dinero a terceros. Al frente del giro postal aparecen los nombres del comprador y del beneficiario. Una de las ventajas de los iros postales sobre los cheques es que no es necesario presentarlos en el lugar de su compra original para que se paguen.


ELECTION WORDS: (las vamos a nececitar) -- Administration: gestin incoming administration: gobierno entrante -- Spin doctors: asesores de imagen manifesto: plataforma electoral -- Primaries: internas run-off: segunda vuelta -- Impeachment: juicio poltico inauguration speech: discurso de asuncin -- Running partner: compaero de frmula -- Incumbent president: presidente en ejercicio del cargo

RECOMMENDED URLS -- Bloomberg : -- Campbell R. Harvey's :Hypertextual Finance Glossary, Master Glossary Index By Letter,Over 7,200 Entries,More than 18,000 Hyperlinks,The largest financial 3 Tuition Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos Aires
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Training & Translations

glossary on the Internet.

BANKING -- Buying Rate (tipo comprador o de compra) : cotizacin publicada para compra ciertas cosas ( por ejemplo divisas extrajeras, letras de cambio ) que un banco u otro comprador usa para informar al comerciante su deseo de comprar. -- Cancellation clause (clusula de cancelacin) provisin por la que se da a una o a ambas partes de un contrato el derecho de cancelacin del acuerdo en caso de ocurrir un evento o condicin especficos. 10-2002

CONFUSABLE WORDS: claim demand -- Claim: (demandar): if someone claims money, they ask for it because it legally beongs to them. ( You should claim your pension 3 or 4 months before you reach pension age). -- Demand ( reclamar): if someone demands money, they ask for it in a forceful and sometime aggressive way, even if they do not have the right to it.( They are demanding higher wages).

RECOMMENDED URLS -- FINANCE WISE: Every topic, from risk management to syndicated finance and equities is indexed in depth, with the contents of each site evaluated by our editorial staff before sites are allowed into FinanceWise's search index - Encyclopedia of the new Economy

BANKING -- Loan Maturity (vencimiento del prstamo):fechad e vencimiento y pago de un prstamo. -- FMAN (febrero, mayo, agosto y noviembre) meses de pagos trimestrales de dividendos o intereses.


CONFUSABLE WORDS: alike likely -- alike: (parecido-similar): if people or things are alike, they are similar to each
Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos Aires Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contctenos en:



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other. If people do the same things, they act alike. (We think and talk alike. Supermarkets tend to look alike). -- likely( probable): if someone is likely, or if it is likely to happen, it will probably happen. If someone is likely to do something , you expect them to do it. ( Nuclear war would be less likely under a non nuclear policy. the sort of questions you are likely to ask).

RECOMMENDED URLS Dictionary of Advertising: - Business Words by A. D. Miles:

BANKING -- Realty : bienes races, inmueble, es sinnimo de real estate.). -- Deed: (escritura de propiedad inmobiliaria, contrato) documento forma del traspaso por el titulo sobre una herencia u otra propiedad inmobiliaria se transfiere de una persona para otra. 12-2002

CONFUSABLE WORDS: beside - besidees -- Beside: (al lado de ): if one thing is beside another, it is next to it or at the side of it. ( His mother sat beside the little child). -- Besides ( adems, tambin): means in addition to or as well as. ( What languages do you know besides Spanish and French?).

RECOMMENDED URLS -- Bibliomana -- Computing and Networking Glossaries Bob Jensen at Trinity University

MARKETING DIRECTO -- ACD Automatic Call Distribution: (distribucin automtica de llamadas): sistema de comunicacin telefnica diseado para canalizar grandes volmenes de llamadas de y a equipos de operadores asignndolas al operador menos cargado. -- POLL: ( encuesta) accin de comunicacin directa en la cual la accin esperada de los destinatarios es una respuesta a un cuestionario.

Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos Aires Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contctenos en:


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