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Kara Whelply Ms.

Gilbert English I H May 2, 2010

Officer Kara Whelply from the boro of Athens Response to calls from farmers living by the woods outside of Athens Complaint of young people causing a commotion in the forest Recently I went to the farmer`s house to see the location where he had heard the

commotion from. He said it was coming from deep within the woods. I went to investigate far into the woods to see if anyone was in there. When I arrive in the woods I found four teenagers sleeping on the ground, they looked like runaways. When I woke them up and asked for their names they replied the names of Helena, Demetrius, Lysander, and Hermia. I asked them why they were in the woods and Lysander said, Hermia and I are in the woods because we were planning to run away and get married. So Hermia did not have to marry Demetrius. The other young man, Demetrius, then stated I was in the woods to stop them, but Helena followed me out of fancy. I asked them to tell me way they were making so much commotion and as group they said, that they were sleeping but all had the same dream. They said in the dream the gentlemen had turned their affection to Helena, like they were under a spell. Then all the sudden Lysander was back to normal after he went to sleep. The teenagers kept ranting about magic and fairies. I conclude that they were suffering from dehydration and may have been under the influence of

illegal substances. The four teenagers are under drug test and in custody. Their parents have been notified.

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