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Outsider (1942) All alikebe[ing] condemned to die one day morally guilty of his mothers death unfit to have

a place in the community I wasnt conscious of any sin; all I knew was that Id been guilty of a criminal offence Plath Fever 103 (1962) It should berelevant to the larger thingssuch as Hiroshima and Dachau Pure? What does it mean? - Plath leaves the responder questioning the worlds purity the sin, the sin the low smoke spreading like a snuffed candle, as well as reference to Radiation, which gives imagery of the sin of the world, radiating, and spreading throughout the world. Addressing of a male figure Your body / Hurts me as the world hurts God. Daddy (1962) neat moustache and an Aryan eye, and similarly her husband as A man in black with a Meinkampf look An engine, an engine / Chuffing me off like a Jew Daddy daddy you bastard Im through Clockwork (1971 / 1962) dirty old drunkie being viciously beaten by Alex and his gang, with camera angles downward on the tramp contrasting the upwards angles on Alex and his gang as they taunt the man authoritarian figures looking stupid Mr. Deltoid, prison officer faithful friend and long suffering narrator. inhuman means in crime reform Non-diegetic sound when Alex is hit

Godot Stripped back stage Nothing to be done Clown-like routines: Vladimir: Worse than the pantomime. Estragon: The circus. Vladimir: The music hall. Estragon: The circus. I missed you Spy (1963) Leamas found no difficulty in recalling that Mundt was a killera very hard man very wicked things in order to compare method with method Liz - blind child, a small car smashed between great lorries

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