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6JB Homework: For the week ending Friday 14th October

UoI: How the world works Central Idea: Understanding the scientific process can lead to discovery and innovation. Concepts: function, causation and reflection Related concepts: pattern, process, interpretation, inference Lines of Inquiry: How the scientific process works How the scientific process ensures reliability How reliable discoveries lead to further innovation

Monday: UoI Reading (Each day)

Use your Homework Planner to plan this weeks homework before you do anything else. 1. Each night you should complete at least 15-20 minutes of reading. You can read to an adult in your house, share what you read with an adult, or you can read to yourself. If you start a new book dont forget to add it to your Voicethread. 3. Voicethread task: This week you need to record yourself on your Voicethread for Boy by Roald Dahl. We are looking at this indicator from the reading continuum: Summarises and retells story events in sequential order. Choose one of Roald Dahls tales of childhood and retell it in your own words.


Complete your earphone holder design ready for our DT lesson on Wednesday with Mr Alistair. Here are the specifications it has to meet: Must hold i-pod earphones Must not exceed 10 cm No part should be thinner than 0.8 cm Must represent an animal or creature Number Knowledge Goal Continue working on your Number Knowledge goal: Number Order & Sequence, Place Value, Fractions or Basic Facts. Review your Number Profile and see me if you need to check off anything. For example, if your goal was to learn your division facts for 3, 4, and 6 times tables and you think you have achieved this, see me so we can assess it and set a new goal. Mathletics - 20mins of set activities 2 - 3 times this week. This does not include live games, changing your avatar or bonus point shopping.


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