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By: Asha McCorvey September 16, 2011 World Geography H 2ND Block

Nestled between France and Spain lies the magnificent country of Andorra, a land as rich as its culture. Once used as a buffer state to keep southern France safe from the Arabian Moors, Andorra is now under the joint rule of France and Spain, and has a parliamentary democracy. Andorra is a very popular tourist destination, most notably for skiing due to its high elevation. While it is a relatively small country, with a population just over 84,000, Andorra is a prosperous nation. There are many reasons why I believe Andorra is a MEDC. There are many socially factors that have led me to believe that Andorra is an MEDC. For example, the life expectancy for the people is very high. Andorran males are expected live to about 80 years of age, and Andorran women live to be about 85. The birth rate is higher than the death rate, at almost 10 births per 1000 people compared to only 7 deaths/ 1000; however, they are both very low statistics. Also, the infant mortality rate is very low at about 3.8 deaths per 1000 children. The Andorran literacy rate also contributes to why I believe it is an MEDC considering 100% of the population can read

and write over the age of 15. These are some reasons why I believe Andorra is an MEDC. Many economic aspects contribute as to why I think Andorra is a MEDC. Andorra has one of the worlds highest GDPs per person at $46, 700. Also, only about 3% of the nation is unemployed. 94.9 % of Andorrans work in services, while only .4% works in agriculture. However, the country has a trade deficit. Overall though, there are many economic reasons to believe Andorra is a MEDC. There are many social and economic reasons as to why I believe Andorra is an MEDC. It has a high life expectancy, and a low infant mortality rate. The country also has a low death and birth rate, factors that point to a MEDC. The GDP per person is also extremely high for a nation of the world at almost $47, 000, and the unemployment is low as well. I believe in the future Andorra has nowhere to go but up, and that it will continue to thrive.

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