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Lesson Plan

Teacher: Malcolm Co teacher: Wendy Date: Monday 30/7/07

Class Name: English Center Room: English Center Expected no. of students: 12

Context: Talking about shopping

Teaching aids: Flashcards of various shops, Price is right cards , Worksheet

Learner objectives:
Personal Aims:
Students will learn the names of various shops and
Build relationships with kids and try to gauge the students
what you can buy in them. They will also again practice
the use of numbers

Anticipated problems for teacher: Lack of knowledge of

Anticipated problems for students:
Some students struggle to read. Difficulties with
names so keeping everyone involved will be an issue
Solutions: Be sure to seek out quieter students and try
Backwards build up the dialogue and keep it simple
to get strong students with weaker ones

Timing (100
Procedure Phase Interaction

Start lesson with simple game 1o mins T-S

(fizz,buzz) Students count round a circle
with every 5 being buzz, then fizz is
added on 3”s
Review of numbers 1000-1000000 on Study T-S
the board. Then introduce How much is

Practise saying prices ie its …dollars and 10 mins T-S

.. cents Study
Show flashcards of 4 shops Butcher, S-S
Baker, Fishmonger and Greengrocer and Study
have students brainstorm the products 10mins
Review all the products on the board lots Study 10mins
of new vocab is usually produced
10mins S-S
Students complete worksheet practicing Study
You can buy … at the ….. 15mins
Game Price is right. Students guess the prices of
goods. The closest team can compete for a bonus
by identifying which shop you buy something
Procedure Phase Interaction
(100min )

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