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How to make a Complaint

1. 2. 3. 4. Complaint to the person you think has Ming you, and not to anyone else. Try, not a object to your make behaviors in front of anyone else. Dont compare the person behavior with that of other people. Make you complaint as soon as you can, that is, as soon as youre alone with the other person and can articulate. 5. Dont repeat a point once youve made it and the other person has carefully considered it. This means, dont expert a signed confession after youve spoken. 6. Object only to action that the other person can change. 7. Make your Complaints vocally, not facially. 8. Try to make any one Complaint at a time. 9. Dont Preface your complaint. 10. Dont apologize for your Complaint after making it. 11. Avoid Sarcasm. 12. Dont ask people why theyre doing something to which you object, Ask them to stop, if that is the underlying idea you wish to express. 13. Rehearse your presentation if you need to. 14. Dont take about other people motivations when objecting to an activity. 15. Avoid words like always and never they contain implicit refiner to the past.

Written By Akhtar Handa +91-99-88-23-85-86

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