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zadanie 1. Wybierz poprawn odpowiedz.

1. Watch out with the sun or you can ..........

a. sunburn b. scald c.
. cut
2. You should cut down cigarettes or you will
get lung......
a. illness b. disease c. cancer

3. What is wrong with Kate? Nothing serious it is just .........poisoning.

a. blood b. food c. stomach

4. Take a few............ three times a day.

a. drops b. medicines c. drop

5. These are really very strong pain ...............

a. tablets b. drops c. killers

6. very popular among teenagers.

a. livestyle b. lifestyle c. life

7. My grandma is of very

a. poor b. fatal c. difficult

8. Antibiotics are commonly known type of.......

a. drugs b. tablets c. drops

9. The doctor will leg tomorrow

a. in b. - c. on

10. Hello, I would like to appointment.

a. have b. take c. make

zadanie 2. Co doradzisz choremu ?

I have a headache -..................................

I've got fever - ........................................
I am sneezing - .......................................
I've got a cough- ....................................
I feel dizzy - ...........................................
I 've got high blood pressure- .................
I lost consciousness - ..............................

zadanie 3. Opisz obrazek

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