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Step-by-Step Instructions: 1. Create a new file. 2.

Create a new layer, select elliptical marquee tool and draw a circle in the middle of the canvas. 3. Select dark gray color as foreground color & light gray as background. Fill it from bottom to top with gradient tool like shown in the figure.

4. Select the circle by holding control and clicking on its name in the Layers palette. Now go to Select > Modify > Contract and contract the selection by 4-5 pixels. Create a new layer & Fill it with same gradient but from top to bottom.

5. Select the second layer again and repeat the steps as described in step 4 to have a new layer. (Selecting, Contracting, Creating New layer). Fill this layer with #242D3C. Right click on its layer name and select blending options and give values like shown

in the figure.

6. Now type some texts as shown in the figure.

7. Create a new layer. Select polygon laso tool to draw shapes like shown in the figure. Fill it with white color. Copy this layer and rotate it. Select Custom shape tool and draw a line. Your watch is ready.

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