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Electromagnetic Lab

September 16


Electromagnetic Lab Purpose: To observe the electromagnet force created by the electromagnet. Which measured by the number of staples picked up varied by design. Material: 3 nails 4 D-Cell Batteries @ 1.5V 7 wires @ 12 inches each should be 14 gauge wire Pliers (preferred needle Nose) Wire stripper Electrical tape, 1 roll should suffice Minmun of 40 staples

Procedure 1. Join 3 D-cell batteries and connect them to each other in series. Using electrical tape to join them in place. Tape the outer batteries to the center one. Making sure they are in series. 2. Take 4 pieces of wire and strip about inch of insulation of both ends of the 4 pieces. 3. Connect the stripped end of the wire to the single D-cell batterys positive end. Then take another stripped wire and connect it to the negative end. Do the same for 3 cell pack constructed in procedure (1). 4. Strip the insulation off entirely from 2 of the remaining 3 wires. 5. Strip the last wires insulation a half inch on both ends 6. Take the wire from step 5 wind it tightly around the nail, starting right below the head of the nail. (Making sure to leave of the wire straight on both ends.) 7. Take the wires from procedure 4 wind 1 wire tightly around the nail just like in procedure 6. (But make sure there is no insulation on the wire at all) 8. Take the last wire wrap the wire loosely over the nail starting at the head. Making sure to leave inch of wire on either end of the winding. 9. Bend the inch part of all the coils into hook ensuring that the coils do not change shape. 10. Bend the inch exposed wire ends of the battery and battery pack made into a hook, in a manner to assure that the coils are able to connect to them. 11. Take the single D-cell battery and connect it to the coil with insulation on it. ( record the data as to how man staples were picked up.

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