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E2E: Perm and Tenured Heap Spaces missing in Wily SAP_GC - Print View

E2E: Perm and Tenured Heap Spaces missing in Wily SAP_GC

Article Number: 22 Created On: 2009-10-08 7:36 PM Author: Suresh [] URL : Problem: E2E: Perm and Tenured Heap Spaces missing in WIly SAP_GC Solution: As per Wily Troubleshooting guide, these metrics only appear after the first FULL GC has been performed in the monitored system and after this GC has been logged to the monitored trace file (e.g. std_server0.out). How to Trigger a full GC manually: To trigger a full GC manually, set the following VM parameters -XX:+HeapDumpOnCtrlBreak via Configtool. and created a stack dump via SAP MMC (by right clicking on the sever nodes, only for Windows) or jcmon (Unix). After this you should ssee the Tenured and Perm Heap spaces on the Wily Instroscope

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17-3-2011 7:36

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