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From Guy Debord (End of a letter to J.-L. Jollivet) 21 May 1962

We are agreed that you will publish the "Preliminaries," as well as the text on the cinema.[1] As always, the condition is what I've given to the era [as a whole]: that you write 5 or 6 lines of "historical notice," of which I will give you the elements. This remains all the more essential in that, since then, the condition of Pouvoir Ouvrier in Paris is not at all ameliorated. In polemics that are more and more confused, and more heated, between a sufficiently large number of tendencies that are uncertain with respect to each other, this group has once or twice frankly broken with the most summary rules of democratic discussion. Several comrades of P[ouvoir] O[uvrier] have communicated relevant documents to us, but no one in the S[ituationist] I[nternational] wants to be mixed up with these quarrels (the current "victims" haven't been treated so badly by P[ouvoir] O[uvrier] in proportion to their long, anterior submission). Amicably G.-E. Debord [1] "Preliminaries for a definition of unity on the revolutionary programme," by P. Canjuers and G.-E. Debord, and "For a revolutionary judgment of art" by G.-E. Debord, appeared in Notes Critiques #3.

(Published in Guy Debord, Correspondance, Volume 2, 19601964. footnote by Alice Debord. Translated from the French by NOT BORED! April 2005.)

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