Occupy Tucson First

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An Exercise in Aggressive, Non-Partisan Political Activism

October 11, 2011

Volume 1, Number 6

The profession of the law, in its nature the noblest and most beneficial to mankind, is in its abuse and abasement the most sordid and pernicious --Bolingbroke

You, the members of the Occupy Tucson Movement, are about to embark upon a grand adventure and the continuation of the American Revolution, first declared in 1776 and later reaffirmed in the 1950s and 1960s by the Civil Rights Movement. Your forefathers fought with muskets and cannon so that you may now fight with words and civil actions, but in the end your goal is the same: the transformation of American society, so that justice will prevail and government of, by and for the people may not perish from this earth. Conduct yourselves with dignity. Steep yourselves in the wisdom gained by the Civil Rights Movement, for these folks paid a bitter price in blood, sweat and tears to secure the right to use the techniques you now employ. As to the eternal struggle between right and wrong, rich and poor read Theodore Roosevelt, the Progressive Party, and the Transformation of American Democracy. In that singular book you will learn the intellectual premise which now sets the foundation for your present movement. Act with courage. Educate yourselves. Beware seduction and the honeyed words of politicians and others who would guide you and incorporate you into existing movements. Remain populist and non-partisan. Dont reject the lessons of history. You have seized the moment and center stage. In the years to come you will fully come to appreciate that this is, indeed, your finest hour. Roy Warden, Publisher Arizona Common Sense roywarden@hotmail.com

The greatest evil is not done in those sordid dens of evil Dickens loved to paint (or in the dank cellars of the Lubiyanka by thugs named Beria), butin clear, carpeted, warmed, well lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voices. --C.S. Lewis

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