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Assignment 1a

Controlled Assessment

To complete first draft of controlled assessment on Magazine covers

Brain storm all the elements which you MUST comment on in your controlled assessment analysis.
Tip: dont just identify the features Remember you MUST comment on how and why a specific audience is attracted.

Begin with CONCISE description - what you see including using media terminology Dont miss the obvious

Then move on to explore the potential meanings created. The connotations will lead you to discuss your specific target audience. How they are attracted what makes them buy.

Again dont ignore the obvious and look in detail at both images and COPY.


Remember to comment using Uses and Gratifications Theory (Blulmer and Katz) Use your notes to help you.

Your Turn
You are to work on separate tables under exam type conditions except that you can use your books and notes. Your final version should not have more than about 350 words - the draft may have more. If you do NOT have the two magazine covers you need, put your hand up to let me know then sit in silence and revise till I come to you.

What more do you need to do to improve your work? Having worked through this on PAPER, you have the chance to complete the task using computer for Home Learning once I have a copy of your work.

This week
Continue with Assignment 1a formative feedback from teacher. Begin 1b - designing your own front cover. This can be hand drawn or you can use a pc. Home Learning: complete 1a and/or 1b

Next Week
final chance to improve 1a feedback on 1b.

Hand in 1a Final formative feedback on 1b Home learning: complete 1b with 150 words comment

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