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PTD Meeting Notes

Date of meeting Meeting Location: Attendees 3 May 2011 Supplier Name: Rehab Jobfit

Conference Room 2, Steel City House, Sheffield


- CD Sourcing [Redacted] Department for Work and Pensions


Department for Work and Pensions [Redacted], CD Sourcing (notes) [Redacted] Department for Work and Pensions

Jobcentre Plus South West


Jobcentre Plus Wales


Rehab Group

Rehab Group

Rehab Group Apologies


CD Sourcing [Redacted]) Department for Work and Pensions [Redacted]- Performance Management Division [Redacted] Department for Work and Pensions Record of discussion

Review of Action Points from First Meeting AP 1 [Redacted], will provide the Rehab Jobfit Group Programme Plan / Risk later today 3/5/11. AP2 [Redacted], was unable to attend the meeting to clarify and consequently Stakeholder Engagement will be followed up. AP3 [Redacted], Common start dates are subject to Security Plans being signed off and being finalised. AP4 Press protocols have been discussed with the [Redacted] and Press Office following Rehabs participation in the Panorama programme. AP5 [Redacted], Marketing activity guidance received.

AP6 [Redacted], Rehabs Implementation plan was received on Tuesday 19 April.

Feedback Welcomed [Redacted] who attended to obtain feedback on the Rehab Jobfit Group tender proposal.

Jobcentre Plus Colleagues joined the meeting at 13:30 explained that the content of the PTD discussion notes will be published as part of the contract unless Rehab Jobfit state that they wish to redact anything, in line with guidance already issued.

Delivery Model Walkthrough


Provided an overview of the delivery model and issued both a Customer Journey process map overview and complimentary slides describing the Delivery Model and Minimum Service Standards

Explained they have produced a draft version of the End to End Provider Operating Manual / guidance for their supply chain which is currently being quality assured by their supply chain to ensure the service is duplicated throughout their supply chain. The Operating Manual will be completed by the contract start date.

Described they are meeting their EEP supply chain in Wales on Wednesday 4/5/11 and South West on Friday 6/5/11

Explained to the meeting the confidentiality protocols should be observed until contracts are signed and the handover has been conducted with PMD.

JCP Colleagues left the meeting. Contracting Strategy


expressed concern about Subcontractors premises. Rehab Jobfit are not delivering any services themselves and therefore the locations of subcontractors premises are of vital performance. It is not clear which towns

the sites are to be located in and this need clarifying urgently for JCP colleagues to comment on coverage. assured DWP that all subcontractors and delivery sites would be confirmed by 13/5.
[Redacted] [Redacted],

Asked for all communications go through her at CD sourcing and field all JCP communications until contracts are signed. Implementation Plan
[Redacted], [Redacted]

is waiting to hear from Rehab Jobfit Group regarding Penetration Testing by this Friday. This takes 3 weeks and any delay will impact on starting dates and asked for alignment to be monitored. Explained as a contingency Rehab have interim measures to manage any delay in go live and do not anticipate any problems with staffing or TUPE, there are potentially too many staff and not enough posts.
[Redacted] [Redacted],

Explained Steering Group and Board members meet each week to identify key areas and manage mobilisation of activity. Any Other Business Next meeting by telekit on 17/5/11

Questions raised and Answers provided.

Q1) [Redacted], Asked what the % of customers likely to go back to JCP? QA1) [Redacted], Described the JER from their proposal. Q2 [Redacted], expressed concern about delivery locations and in particular in Swindon and asked if the delivery addresses were available. In the list it states that a delivery location might be either location A or location B, we need clarity on this to comment on whether or not the location is suitable. Q2A) [Redacted], TBG to deliver from locations already agreed, however there have been some issues regarding signing leases, those premises with an asterisk in the Operating Manual are new premises, however will confirm delivery arrangements for Swindon and all premises.

Asked if the issue with duplicated sub contractors been resolved?


95% of the supply chain have signed agreements in principle


asked how will Rehab ensure consistency within their supply chain?


The Operating Manual will provide a framework for delivery, innovation will be encouraged and good practice adopted.

Further stated Rehab will have a very visible presence each CPA with their supply chain.

How will you ensure your supply chain youre branding / modelling of delivery is separate from the other supplier.

We will be meeting with our supply chain to ensure delivery of Rehab branding / marketing is consistent across their supply chain with delivery from different locations to maintain branding, with TBG being ready from day 1, however it is the other providers we need to check.
[Redacted], [Redacted],

Have there been any issues with other premises?

There were concerns with outgoing subs / primes, however there are no issues generally.

The Welsh Assembly skills build in Wales will want to discuss with primes and subs joining their board following PTD discussions.

Rehab is already being approached by local authorities to meet with them. [Redacted] and [Redacted] are the main contact for Rehab for all Local authorities.

Action Points AP1, [Redacted] Timescales and Owner To confirm Stakeholder Engagement protocols by 13/5./11 AP2, Rehab Jobfit to confirm current known locations of delivery sites and send to [Redacted] who will forward to JCP colleagues for comment due to concerns raised earlier by 6/5. AP3 [Redacted] to confirm final Supply chain partners and delivery sites by 13/5. AP 4 [Redacted] to provide the Rehab Jobfit Group Programme Plan / Risk later today (3/5/11.)

Author Date Returned to generic Inbox


Date recorded


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