CPA12: Rehab JobFit - PTD Telekit 19.05.11

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PTD Meeting Notes

Date of meeting Meeting Location: Attendees 19 May 2011 Telekit


Supplier Name:

Rehab Jobfit

- CD Sourcing [Redacted] Department for Work and Pensions


CD Sourcing (notes) Department for Work and Pensions [Redacted], CD Sourcing Department for Work and Pensions

, Rehab Group

Rehab Group

Performance Management Apologies


CD Sourcing [Redacted] Department for Work and Pensions [Redacted]- Performance Management Division [Redacted] Department for Work and Pensions Record of discussion

Review of Action Points from previous meeting AP 1 The Rehab Jobfit Programme Plan / Risk log had been received. AP2 [Redacted] was unable to attend the meeting to clarify this point and [Redacted] was unsure, consequently Stakeholder Engagement will be followed up. [Redacted] stated employer engagement was with NEST. [Redacted] stated he had received the marketing and publicity guidance and was currently using it. However, there is now a requirement for ESF to see all marketing/publicity literature and [Redacted] will update her department of this.

AP3 Start dates were discussed later on in the meeting. AP4 The Panorama programme is now due to be televised sometime in June. AP5 Marketing activity discussed under AP2. AP6 Rehab Jobfits Implementation plan was received. 1. [Redacted] advised [Redacted] of her meeting with JCP and Rehab Jobfit in Wrexham yesterday. There was still confusion over the premises addresses and [Redacted] stated that [Redacted] had just sent a full list of premises to them. JCP will comment on the new premises list when it is received. AP 1[Redacted] to send [Redacted] the premises list for CPA13 after the telekit. AP2 [Redacted] stated that JCP had commented on the CPA12 premises and [Redacted] will forward this to [Redacted] today. 2. Contracting Strategy [Redacted] advised Rehab Jobfit that all documents are required by 23.5.11 if contracts are to be signed by the 30.5.11. The documents are: Final Implementation Plan Final Schedule of Subcontractors for each CPA Final premises locations in the same format as their bid Rehab Jobfit need to state that these are their final documents. and [Redacted] stated there were no changes with their subcontractors. However, Rehab had taken back some of Scouts volumes and distributed it to other subcontractors.

3. Implementation Plan [Redacted] confirmed everything is still on target at present. Q. [Redacted] asked how Rehab Jobfits management structure and recruitment plans were progressing. A. [Redacted] stated two interim senior posts had been filled. [Redacted] as Head of Operations and [Redacted] as Head of Strategy. There are no other recruitment issues. provided detail on the TUPE situation in the CPAs. There are no problems with CPA 12, however, they are

about a week behind in CPA13. [Redacted] stated there were communication issues with Working Links and the TUPE list. [Redacted] advised they could not provide guidance but could liaise with the Working Links lead if communications failed. AP3 [Redacted] to send a new organisation chart to [Redacted] after the meeting.

Security advised [Redacted] that due to the penetration testing and other gaps in requirement the go-live date of 13.6.11 was very tight at present. [Redacted] reiterated that all documentation was required by 23.5.11 to achieve their intended go-live date. [Redacted] stated that they were confident everything could be provided to DWP by Monday.

4. Highlight Reports and Risks & Issues Log This was covered earlier on in the meeting. confirmed there was no change since the bid in the number of customers requiring specialist support.

AP4 [Redacted] to send [Redacted] a copy of the marketing literature to be given to customers at JCP offices. 5. Proposed changes to legal entity Further to [Redacted]e-mail of 17.5.11, [Redacted] has accepted this and does not need to pursue this further at the moment.

6. Any Other Business Q. [Redacted] asked [Redacted] if there would be a problem if their go-live date was put back a week. A. [Redacted] stated there would be a commercial impact but it would not affect the subcontractors. [Redacted] stated it was not insurmountable but they would rather not change the date. asked if there were any further issues with the premises and JCP, a telekit would be arranged with [Redacted] to discuss the matter.

Questions raised and Answers provided.

Q. [Redacted] asked how Rehab Jobfits management structure and recruitment plans were progressing. A. [Redacted] stated two interim senior posts had been filled. [Redacted]as Head of Operations and [Redacted] as Head of Strategy. Q. [Redacted] asked [Redacted] if there would be a problem if their go-live date was put back a week. A. [Redacted] stated there would be a commercial impact but it would not affect the subcontractors. Rehab Jobfit stated it was not insurmountable but they would rather not change the date.

AP 1 [Redacted] to send [Redacted] the premises list for CPA13 Action Points after the telekit. Cleared 24/5/11 Timescales and Owner AP2 [Redacted] stated that JCP had commented on the CPA12 premises and [Redacted] will forward this to [Redacted] today. Cleared at local CPA meeting.

AP3 [Redacted] to send a new organisation chart to [Redacted] after the meeting. Cleared 24/5/11 AP4 [Redacted] to send [Redacted] a copy of the marketing literature to be given to customers at JCP offices.. Update 24/5/11 this information is to be sent direct to JCP.

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