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Network 21 Missions - Culture Shock Trip

V O L U M E 2 , I S S U E 1 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 1

Getting equipped as we get ready to equip!

2010 was a great year for us! God has been showing us what His will is for our lives and the ministry. We have had opportunities to meet and talk with so many people, ministers, and missionaries that believe in the visions and dreams of all areas of Network 21 Missions! We can only continue to move forward in 2011 and not settle with what happened in 2010. In the first newsletter of 2011, we want to give updates and praise for what God did for us in 2010 and where God is leading us in 2011. CULTURE Shock EXTREME Team 1 The Culture Shock trip is one of our biggest praise reports for 2010, which was our launching year for CS. Here is a run through of the rest of their trip. Three of the four original team members flew back out in February to Amsterdam. They were able to stay at the YWAM base there in Amsterdam and were able to partner with the YWAM people. While at the YWAM base, they were able to help out in several different areas including teaching classes, head up morning intercessory prayer, and just with the everyday needs on the base. They stayed in Amsterdam for three months but were able to go to Berlin, Italy, London and other areas in Holland. After their stay in Europe, they headed out to the Asian part of the trip. While they were in the Asian area, they were able to help out with community events, such as an annual art show, and childrens outreaches. CULTURE Shock - Team 1 The Aftermath The best part of the praise report isnt just the Aftermath of the people the team encountered but the Aftermath of how the team encountered God. Here are some of the praise reports that we received from our team. * Estrellita Star Marroquin felt like God called her to medical missions. She is now currently in school finishing her degree so she can do what God created her to do, medical missions! * Vanessa Johnston has taken her passion to the marketplace. God continues to lead her and use her abilities for Him in the marketplace. * Lukus & Bethany Hess are now proud parents to a beautiful daughter named Selah. After they left London, they felt God calling them back to London to become full time missionaries. They have a burden for stopping sex trafficking and intercessory prayer for Europeans and Europe. They are now currently here with their daughter but are ready to take the next step towards their goal. CULTURE Shock
EXTREME & Express

As you probably noticed, we are calling the trip like Team 1 Culture Shock Extreme, well let us explain. We feel that God is expanding our vision by adding different options on Culture Shock Trip. We are calling the 11 month trip Culture Shock Extreme and now adding a 3 month and 6 month option calling them Culture Shock Express. We have basically broke down the Extreme trip into two 6 month trips and then split those 6 months trips into two as well.
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Network 21 Missions - Culture Shock Trip

V O L U M E 2 , I S S U E 1 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 1

Continuing to equip!
All these trips are the same type of trip but broken down into mini around-the-world trips. Now we offer: a 11 month trip, 6 month trips & 3 month trips per year. To get a more indepth look into the Culture Shock Extreme & Express, visit our website. CULTURE Shock Equip Another way we feel God is expanding our vision is by joining with one of our partners, Mike Powell with SMR, and starting a 2-Year Internship called Culture Shock Equip. Mike Powell was able to partner with Central Bible College in Springfield, MO so the interns will be able to complete on-line courses, use their financial aid to be a part of CS Equip, and be part of a unique internship. For more information about the internship, you can contact us or Mike Powell with SMR. Since our last newsletter, God has been not only expanded our vision, but our team as well. In 2010, we grew from two couples to four couples, with a possibility of a fifth couple. Here is a list of our team and staff. Rodney and Voni Johnston Chad and Valerie Trinkle

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Not only are we moving forward toward what God has for us, but were moving forward in our technology. We are chasing down the newest and best ways to make our websites and ways of communicating with you easier. Now our websites are smartphone friendly. You can now access all our websites on your smartphone and chose between the mobile or full version. Not only that, but while youre on there, you can check out our new Donations page. We are making it easier for you to donate on-line with our secure on-line donations and giving. For more info on that, please visit the website. We are also trying to get our database of all our supporters, followers, churches, missionaries, etc up-to-date. We are trying to build an email database to start E-Newsletters for our future Newsletters. If you would like to receive our future Newsletters, updates, etc via email, you can sign-up by going to: * * go to our Contact page * feel out the contact form. To see the list of missionaries, partners, affiliates, and projects please go visit Network 21 Missions & Culture Shock Trip websites.

Richard and Carol Miller

Jeff and Crystal Martin Please go to the N21M website to read about the new staff and missionaries.

We are very excited about all the great things weve shared with you and the things we have yet to share. If you want more information about whats going on, please ask us, follow us and visit the websites. Please pray for us as God continues to provide for the ministry, staff and missionaries. We are all currently raising financial and prayer support. We know God has called us ALL to a higher calling and purpose. Whether its supporting one of us financially and/or spiritually. We appreciate all prayers and financial support that has been coming and continues to come in. Here are some trip opportunities available for 2011: * Europe * Thailand (and other Asian areas) * Ecuador and Galapagos Islands * Peru

Websites: or Email: or Mail: P.O. Box 793 Waxahachie, TX 75168

You can donate to Network 21 Missions and Culture Shock Trip by either going though our secure on-line donations page or mailing directly to Network 21 Missions. Please specify if youre donating to a certain missionary or project.

All donations are tax-deductible. Network 21 Missions is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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