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Cele noua muze n mitologia greac, Muzele (greac: , latin: Musae) erau cele 9 fiice ale lui Zeus

i ale Mnemosynei ( zeita a Memoriei ) , considerate drept inspiratoare ale muzicii, ale dansului, ale poeziei i patroanele artelor n general. Calliope muza poeziei epice Clio muza istoriei Erato- muza poeziei erotice Euterpe muza poeziei lirice Mepolmene muza tragediei Terpsichore muza dansului Thalia muza comediei Polyhymnia muza retoricii Urania muza astronomiei Poeii Homer, Hesiod, Pindar afirmau c muzele erau atottiutoare, datorit simbolului mamei lor Mnemosyne, zeia memoriei n mitologia roman muzele purtau numele de Camene. Epic poetry History Mime Flute Dance Choral Poetry Tragdy Comedy Astronomy Daimon by Alan G. Hefner Daimon is the Greek derivative for the term demon. In this sense the term "demon" means "replete with knowledge." The ancient Greeks thought there were good and bad demons called 'eudemons' and 'cacodemons.' The term 'daimon' means "divine power," "fate" or "god." Daimons, in Greek mythology, included deified heroes. They were considered intermediary spirits between men and the gods. Good daimons were considered to be guardian spirits, giving guidance and protection to the ones they watched over. Bad daimons led people astray. Socrates said he had a life-time daimon that always warned him of danger and bad judgment, but never directed his actions. He said his daimon was more accurate than omens of either watching the flights or reading the entrails of birds, which were two respected forms of divination of the time.

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