CPA15: Serco LTD - PTD Telekit 21 April

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PTD Telekit Meeting - Serco

Date of meeting Meeting Location: Attendees DWP: REDACTED] Serco: REDACTED] Record of discussion [REDACTED] provided an update on progress with amendments. A review has been conducted on [REDACTED]As 15 and 17 to identify what amendments they need to make. W2W Business Unit will not longer exist and reporting will now be to the Home Affairs Team. Information has been sent to the relevant work stream and REDACTED] (Commercial Manager) will bring a table showing the changes to the meeting on 4th May to talk through it with us. [REDACTED] asked if we could see something in advance but [REDACTED] said that this was a significant piece of work that would need to be simplified and in view of the holidays it would be preferable to wait until the 4th. [REDACTED] asked it they will be producing an addendum to the contract following out meeting on the 4th and [REDACTED] confirmed this. [REDACTED] discussed changes to the IT system, a review of systems was underway and the team was already lined up to go on the agreed date of 1/7. [REDACTED] said IT training needs had been agreed and the programme and rooms were arranged. [REDACTED] confirmed that there were no other fundamental changes and that there was no indication that any of the subcontractors were not interested. [REDACTED] asked if we could have a revised implementation plan as the one we have for West Mids has a different go-live date. [REDACTED] agreed to provide one and some supporting narrative, and also gave a summary of where they were with premises/leases in the 2 [REDACTED] As no showstoppers. Recruitment and training still on track, some dates identified mid May and some in June. Current FND providers will need additional follow-on training as they will not be available to complete earlier training. [REDACTED] said some internal issues with IT but nothing that will impact go-live. Impact training starts 23/5 and by 24/6 information will be loaded on the system in advance of 1/7. [REDACTED] also discussed the dashboard reporting and asked if he could replace our implementation highlight report with their more comprehensive report, which covers, subcontractors, premises, Prap, comms and marketing, finance , TUPE and tops 5 risks. [REDACTED] 21/4/11 Supplier Name: Serco

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to send us one to see if it meets our requirement. [REDACTED] said we couldnt say whether this would be okay for REDACTED] but that we are happy to accept this format. This is updated weekly and discussed each Friday. [REDACTED] agreed to send to us following this meeting, and next Thursday. [REDACTED] asked in what format we wanted the risk log, 1 page copy or the dashboard template. [REDACTED] said we want to see the top risks and would be happy to accept an extract from their project management system. [REDACTED] confirmed that he will send one over today [REDACTED] asked for the questions from REDACTED]] in advance of the meeting on 4th May. [REDACTED] outlined that they will not have sight of the bid but that when we send the agenda we will ask them if they wish to see anything specifically covered at the meeting. Any responses will be sent through to [REDACTED] Thursday 28/4. [REDACTED] also provided an update on Annex 7 Transparency Agenda and confirmed that she would be sending the proposals through directly to REDACTED] next week. [REDACTED] said that we probably will not need a further meeting next week, and confirmed that following the meeting on 4th May she would get further advice if required regarding the amendments. Action Points [REDACTED] - To email [REDACTED]] reps and provide any questions to [REDACTED] by noon Thursday 28/4. [REDACTED] to send report and risk log through to [REDACTED] today and further report next Thursday. Date(s) for Clearance

Action Point Owner Author Date Returned to generic I[REDACTED]ox

Date recorded


Generic i[REDACTED]ox. DWP work progptdq&a

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