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July 14, 1789

After the General Estates the Third Estate had their hall closed down by King
Louis XVI. IN a rage on July 17, 1789 they rushed into a Tennis Court declaring them
the National Assembly and taking an oath on it. This scared the King and he
summoned an army, with the nobles, at Versailles. This incited an Angry mob
outcome on the Third Estate and they started to gather weapons only to find that
they needed Gunpowder this led to the event of July 14, 1789. On this date they
stormed the Bastille which was an grand building of weapons and gunpowder. In this
attack they lost 98 men but killed 6 guards and the commander. This was symbolic
hit to the King which frightened him. Also, with the death of the commander they
also killed the Governor who tried to surrender which brought even more damage to
the king. After this Louis forces the First and Second Estate into join the National
Assembly, which is the Third Estate, and thus the Revolution begins. (177)

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