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What is collections framework?
Difference between ArrayList and Vector.
Difference between Set and List.
What are synchronized blocks and Synchronized methods?
What are the other ways provided in java for synchronization?
What design patterns are used in your project?
How can I implement Servlet chaining?
Explain MVC arch?
What are implicit objects in jsp?
Different ways of implementing session tracking?
Use of session in JSP
Difference between Servlet Context and Config?
How is Servlet initialized?
Life cycle of Servlet, JSP
If doGet and doPost methods are not implemented which method gets called for Servlet?
How to destroy Servlet automatically when session is expired
How to initialize something’s automatically when a class is loaded with out calling any
What are static methods?
When finalize and finally will be called
How to execute an external process in Java?
Lifecycle of session beans
Difference between Stateful and Stateless session beans
How to connect to database in JSP?
What parser is used to parser XML?
How to parse XML in Java?
What is the XSL engine used?
What is Hashtable?
How is Resource Pooling done? (design)


Can we make a class synchronized?

Implementation of Thread
Difference between Set and List
If u know C, how can we write function pointers?
How to write to swap to primitive types in java?
What is call by value& call by reference?
Give a suitable example for set?
In java which is applicable --- call by value or call by reference
Problem 1: array[]={W,B,B,W,W,W,B,W,W,B….}
Make a new array which should look like this

Problem 2: if two arrays are given, you have to show whether second array has the
contents differ from first array ( the sequence need not be same)

This senario is like: when an array is sent across network then there might be possibly
data corruption in array. So we have to check the two arrays.


What is the difference between String, stringbuffer? Which one faster? How stringbufer
is implemented.

What is JVM, give some internal details.

What is baseclass of Exception

What is thread,

What is difference between c,c++

What is difference between c++,java
How garbage collection can be done in c++
Collection framework
What is port?
How many ports are reserved.

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