Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa

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Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa

Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa By: Siti Hawa Salih Source: The Literary History of Kedah Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa Skin Book. Introduction Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa (hmm), which explains the origin of the kings of Kedah based on myths and legends, a literary genre of traditional Malay history. Almost every ancient Malay kingdom has its own history of literature that explains the origins of its kings, the origins of the state, the development of history from the beginning to the end based on the conception of history held by the traditional Malay society. History of literature is held by the government as a valid document for mengabsahan rights and powers of the king of his country. Therefore, the treasury of traditional Malay literature, there is a variety of historical results, the most famous of the works that are rarely acknowledged, even by the Malays themselves. Along with the decrease in the literary history of this family there was Raja Pasai, Hikayat Aceh, Palembang Istana, History of the Rulers of Riau, Masjid Bencoolen, descent al-Salatin (Malay History), Hikayat Johor, Hikayat Seri Kelantan, Pahang Masjid, Masjid Patani, the Malay mass, the Origin of the King of Sambas, Hikayat Banjar, Makam Kotawaringin, Salsilah Kutai, Hikayat Hang Tuah and many more. In the historical development of states in the archipelago, the king's endorsement is an issue in question and disanhsikan when he emerged the West. Persolan, whether caused by the Western powers themselves or by other states who are neighbors. This is part of Western tactics to break the Malay states of associates against the march. It is clear from the point of creation, one of the reasons why Well written is to be used as document approval of the king's Kedah state and territory areas. Hikayat is also useful in the dismissed claims that the king of Siam Kedah Penang is not entitled to the British surrender in 1786. Thus, as the results of traditional Malay literature of other history, hmm is the mobilization of elements of reality and myth used to uphold the rule of the kings of Kedah and his descendants.

Hmm Story Summary Host King Merong Mahawangsa are sailing from Rome to China was attacked by geroda. It opened up and turned into the king of Langkasuka. He returned to Rome after instal his son King Merong Mahapudisat be king. Langkasuka changed its name to Kedah Zamin Turan. Based on advice given by his father, King Merong Mahapudisat eldest son of a king to be King of Siam, the middle son of a King Silver and third sons, a daughter, as the King of Pattani. The youngest prince replace their father as King of Kedah and Raja Seri Mahawangsa title. King precursors to the tradition of offering flowers to send gold and silver flowers as gifts to kekandanya, the King of Siam, every time kekandanya get the prince. King Series Mahawangsa frustrated with his son's death that will not obey the order and was succeeded by the prince with the title of King Sri Maha Inderawangsa. Next the son of the King Series is Inderawangsa became king with the title of King Ong is Perita greater sense of well-known in history as King Bersiong Kedah. When the King came down from the throne after Bersiong resisted because of his wickedness, his son crowned as King Phra Ong Mahapudisat. This king was succeeded by his son, King Phra Ong Mahawangsa which later became the first king of Kedah converted to Islam. Sheikh Abdullah Yamani, changed its name kepaga Sultan Muzaffar Shah.

Some elements of traditional Malay historiography Hmm Author of traditional literary history with various elements of myth and legend to serve as the subjective evidence in his writings. When the tale was told about something that is closer to the time now, that the objective evidence, such as elements of reality and actual history to wear. Well we met in the various elements of myth, which comes from the influence of Hindu and local. Different influences dipertentangkan also be noticed that one outweighs the other. Geroda birds, animals mitis hindu dipertentangkan Visynu vehicle with the power of God through the Prophet Solomon. Elements of Hindu and animist myths like elephants Sakti, son of the king of bamboo found in the sewers and the river, origin myths and other places are all presented in an orderly way and aims to provide the origin of a great king of Kedah and glory. The stories about King Bersiung is an example of mobilization elements of Hindu

mythology and symbolism of the elements to give the origin of the kings of Kedah a staining majesty and grandeur. Mobilization of elements of reality and myth, reflected in the style the author describes how the establishment of relations between Kedah and Siam. With an interesting way, the author does not deny that Siam has a higher position and admitted Kedah Kedah send flowers of gold and silver to the Siamese. But the court poet Kedah explain these events occur with a distinctive approach without compromising the sovereignty of the state of Kedah. Have been described from the beginning that the relationship between Kedah and Siam is based on family ties between the younger brother of the youngest first kekanda. Easily acceptable to why the queen of King Bersiong and fourth minister sought help from Siam when facing the problem of finding a suitable person to be king, replacing King Bersiong. The author does not say the King of Siam to help, but the King of Siam in consultation with astrologers and asked a third party, the magical elephant, to solve the problem. By using the elements exist in belief systems of society, the author states his duties as court poet who is responsible. Hmm superiority more evident in the narration coming of Islam to the state of Kedah and the process of adaptation to the idolatrous practices to Allah Subhanahu wa Taala.Walaupun telling the same incident mentioned in many literary, Kedah tell the court poets with different styles.

Conclusion Hmm that are authored by the concept of traditional Malay history, perform its role as a historical writings. It is not composed solely on fantasy and myth; even more secrets of culture and values implicit in the days of old collection of symbolism, myths and legends

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