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Alegro, Karen A.


School Nurse Job Description

A school nurse shares her medical expertise in a school whereby she creates an environment that promotes healthy living, and also helps children with the basic first aid and medical care. They address the needs of the local school-age population, and sometimes even children at home.

Duties and Responsibilities

Must study the health needs of the whole school and accordingly develops a health plan Gives health advice to children and teaches them how to live a healthy life Support, advise and provide counseling to children and teens, especially educating them about hygiene, vaccinations, eating disorders, drugs and sex education Identify and refer to doctors in case a child suffers from mental health problems liked depression or schizophrenia Promotes good parenting skills by helping and supporting parents Arrange immunization programs Work with teachers, social workers, education welfare officers and other professionals when dealing with vulnerable children Makes individual health plans for children with disabilities or long-term chronic illness Train school-based staff to help children with healthcare needs, like asthma, epilepsy etc. Give his opinion in the personal, social and health education curriculum Gives advice to parents, children, teachers and the community on childhood illnesses, their management and control of infectious diseases

Skills and Specifications

Must have a likeable personality Must be supportive and understanding Should lend a sympathetic ear to the childrens problems Should have good communication and interpersonal skills

Education and Qualifications

In order to be a school nurse one requires at least a bachelors degree in nursing. A diploma in education and teacher training is also helpful.

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