Weatherwars 03

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July 30th 2005

More holes and other manufactured cloud geometry.

As time allows I will get back to these images and add written descriptors.

23 July
2005 0132Z Central Nevada 12 June 2005 2345Z West Wisconsin

02 June
2005 2300Z Calif/Baja Coast 22 July 1630Z Baja Coast

Large clearings off Baja and Santa Barbara

29 July
2005 1945Z Sioux Land, IA/SD 01 June 2005 2302Z South Dakota

29 May
2302Z West Virginia 12 July 2005 2100Z Big Bend Texas

01 June
2005 Off the Mass Coast 02 June 2005 The Florida Straits
02 June
2005 1432Z Montana 02 June 2005 2345Z Sonora, MX

22 July
2005 1715Z Louisiana 13 July 2005 2245Z Okla/Arkansas

29 July 2005 1915Z Iowa

29 July
2005 2015Z Iowa/NW Illinois 23 July 2005 2100Z Western Utah

22 July
2005 1600Z Southern Idaho 13 July 2005 2202Z N Florida

24 July
2005 000Z Montana 29 July 2005 1915Z SE Idaho
1 June
2005 0030Z Wyo/Montana 20 July 2005 1902Z California Coast

21 July 2005 1930Z Arizona 21 May 2005 2232 Southern Illinois

11 June 2005 2232Z Georgia/ Northern Florida

This is one of the more impressive images I noticed on this day. Lots of holes, granted, but
other very noticeable gridded imprints littler this portion of the sky off of the SE coast of
the US. Look for symmetry; say a thunderstorm with an attendant similar sized hole in
near proximity. Numerous example of energy being shifted around to achieve the desired
results of the weather makers. This is not a fully zero-sum game; massive amounts of
energy have been introduced into the atmosphere and oceans during the past 40 years that
this experimentation, manipulation have been underway. So which is more responsible to
planet wide warming: These weapons platforms built to heat and electrically charge the
atmosphere? Carbon dioxide from burning hydrocarbons? Or outside influences, like say
the Sun?
20 July 2005 1845Z Tennessee
22 July 2005 1602Z southwest Minnesota to eastern South Dakota

These holes are just as common as gravity and scalar waves; I'll look at those next.

As always there is more to come.

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