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Itu semua Arena Extra's Done!

Sekarang pergi setelah '7 's Kartu' dan Download D igivolve Rosemon = 12 di total untuk Download Digivolve Inc kali Anda mengalahka n dia di arena. (City Pemula)

Piximon = 1 pertempuran di Curam Rd Cafe untuk Speed ??7's Seraphimon = 6 total inc pertempuran Arena untuk 7 Kudus (Piramida Cafe) Kari = 6 pertempuran secara keseluruhan, termasuk saat Anda pertempuran waktu pu taran pertama selama 7 Mystic's (Sky Cafe) Piedmon = 8 pertempuran di total termasuk pertempuran Arena untuk 7 Dark (Infini ty Tower Cafe) Imperialdramon = 6 total termasuk pertempuran Arena untuk 7 Liar (Flame Cafe) Nanimon = 10 pertempuran (pertempuran kafe Berbagai)

Ada 1 7's Card Anda tidak bisa sampai Anda telah melakukan arena normal Igloo Ci ty. Di Caf adalah Black MetalGarurumon berbicara dengan dia dan itu akan dibuka. Pertama Lawan: Garurumon Kedua Lawan: MetalGarurumon Digimon Card Battle Contents 1. Welcome + Warning 2. Bits of Crud 3. The Walkthrough 4. The Fusion Guide 5. The Card List

1. Welcome and Warning Welcome to the Digimon Battle Card Game. If you are wanting to use this for your own site you had better email me and ask or else! Stealing it will result in lo ads of junk mail heading your way if i find out! You have been warned! You can f ind my email on my website

2. Bits of Crud First off you need to register your name so do what i tells you on the screen. F or other basic stuff all i'm gonna say is RTFI! (Read the....Instuctions!) I sta

rted with Armadillomon as my partner card and built it up from there. I found it the easiest Deck especially when I added Nature cards and Water Cards when i go t the Egg of Reliability.

3. The Walkthrough You start off in the (Mega Area). Mega Area Cities: Beginner City Flame City Jungle City Igloo City Junk City

Beginner City is the first place. Go to the Battle Cafe where you will see Betam on + Babamon. Betamon teaches you the Card Battle if you don't know how to play (it's easy trust me!) Babamon will open the arena for you so go there!

Arena: First Opponent: Agumon Deck: Tricolour Starter Type: Fire, Nature and Water Attack: 2 Defence: 1 Digivolve speed: 1

Final Opponent and Leader: Babamon Deck: New Power Type: Fire, Nature and Water Attack: 2 Defence: 2 Digivolve speed: 2

You get the password after beating Babamon so if you want to edit your deck do s o and head onto Flame City.

Flame City Go to the Battle Cafe where you see Goggle Boy Davis and ????? (Rosemon) Davis is worried about something strange that is happening in Digiland. He tells you that once you've beaten the Battle Arena to come back to him and he'll give you something. Talk to Rosemon and she'll open the start with you do n't know who she is she is rather secretive but she does feed you certain inform ation.

Arena: First Opponent: Meramon Deck: Burning Hot! Type: Fire Attack: 3 Defence: 1 Digivolve speed: 2

Second Opponent: Phoenixmon Deck: Big Red Sky Type: Fire Attack: 3 Defence: 2 Digivolve speed: 2

Final Opponent and Leader: Veemon Deck: Go Go Dinosaur Type: Fire Attack: 3 Defence: 1 Digivolve speed: 3

Once Veemon is defeated and you have the Passcode to Jungle City go back to the Cafe and talk to Davis and he'll hand you the Digiegg to your first Partner card :) *Armour Digivolving helps!*

Jungle City Go to the Battle Cafe where you find Keely (Yolei) she tells you about how Veedr amon wont give the Passcode out anymore and that someone else has taken over the arena. The arena is then opened up for you to enter.

Arena: First Opponent: Vegiemon Deck: Quick Digivolve Type: Nature Attack: 2 Defence: 2 Digivolve speed: 3

Second Opponent: Ninjamon Deck: Switching Type: Nature Attack: 2 Defence: 2 Digivolve speed: 3

Third Opponent + Normal Leader: Veedramon Deck: V for Victory Type: Nature Attack: 3 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 2 Pack: Basic Pack

Final Opponent and Leader: Wormmon (Save facility available) Deck: Tryout Type: Nature and Dark Attack: 3 Defence: 2 Digivolve speed: 1

You find you don't get the passcode off Wormmon so you head back to the Battle C afe where Veedramon is waiting to thank you. He gives you the Passcode to go ont o Igloo City

Igloo City Head on over to the Battle Cafe. You find Cody, Garurumon and ???? again. Cody t ells you of the problems in this city. Garurumon has been taken over and ???? te lls you to save Garurumon. The arena is opened so go there.

Arena: First Opponent: Frigimon Deck: Hearty meal Type: Water Attack: 1 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 2

Second Opponent: Whamon Deck: Guarding Sea Type: Water Attack: 2 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 2

Third Opponent + Normal Leader: Garurumon

Deck: Fight Back Type: Water Attack: 3 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 3

Final Opponent and Leader: Stingmon (Save Facility) Deck: Black Storm Type: Fire and Darkness Attack: 3 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 2

You don't get the passcode so go back to the Cafe where you find Garurumon who i s now Ok. You have to fight him in the Cafe to get the Passcode. Once you have i t talk to Cody to get your next partner card (Patamon or Gatomon) *I chose Patam on at this point*

Junk City: Go to the Cafe as normal where you find the normal Battle Master King Sukamon. T his obnoxious guy orders you to kick Shadramon out of his arena. If you do this then he says he will give you the Passcode. You head on over to the arena

Arena: First Opponent: Hagurumon Deck: Toy Party Type: Rare Attack: 2 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 1

Second Opponent: ShellNumemon

Deck: Jam-Jam Type: Rare Attack: 2 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 1

Third Opponent + Normal Leader: Sukamon Deck: Hail King Sukamon Type: Rare Attack: 1 Defence: 4 Digivolve speed: 1

Final Opponent and Leader: Shadramon (Save Facility) Deck: Evil Fire Type: Fire and Dark Attack: 3 Defence: 2 Digivolve speed: 3

Go back to the Cafe to collect the passcode....but you find the lying piece of p oop won't give it you because he let you win. ~_~ so you have to do the Arena ag ain *minus Shadramon* Anyhow after beating him again you get the passcode for Da rk City. This takes us to the next area.

(Giga Area) Cities in Giga Area: Dark City *Desert Island is not reachable just yet* Pyramid City Sky City

Dark City: Head on over to the Cafe as normal where you find Wormmon on his own. He tells y ou that he will beat you in his arena this time. Go to the arena ready for a bat tle.

Arena: First Opponent: Wormmon Deck: Get Serious Type: Nature and Dark Attack: 3 Defence: 2 Digivolve speed: 2

Second Opponent: Stingmon Deck: Black Storm Again Type: Dark Attack: 3 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 2

Third Opponent: Shadramon Deck: Evil Fire Revived Type: Fire and Dark Attack: 3 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 3

Forth Opponent and Leader: Quetzalmon (Save Facility) Deck: Bad Luck Wind Type: Water and Dark Attack: 3

Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 3

Before you meet the Emperor (Ken) you do a load of trash talking! So you'd bette r hope you can beat him! But you know you can do it right?

Final Opponent: Digimon Emperor Deck: Binding Chain Deck Type: Dark Attack: 4 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 3

After kicking Ken from here to...nah won't tell u where he is next just yet.

You get the passcode to Pyramid City but before heading there go back to the Caf e where Wormmon will give you the 2nd Digiegg for your 1st Partner Card *hurrah* Go onto Pyramid City.

Pyramid City In the Cafe is TK, Angemon + ???? again. Talk to the trio to get more info and t o open the Battle Arena. Head to the Arena.

Arena: Opponent: Centarumon Deck: Gate of Fire Type: Fire Attack: 3 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 2

Opponent: Tyrannomon

Deck: Fire and Nature Type: Paleo-Energy Attack: 2 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 3

Opponent and Leader: Angemon Deck: Evil Slayer Type: Nature Attack: 3 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 3

Once you've got the passcode go back to the Cafe where TK will give you Patamon' s Egg (i believe that Kari of Sky City will give you Gatomon's egg if you pick G atomon from Cody back in Igloo City) You will also find the 2nd Fusion Shop whic h means you can fuse Champion Digimon. Once you're done here head onto Sky City

Sky City In the Cafe are Gatomon and Kari. Speak to Kari, then Gatomon, then Kari again. The Battle Arena will be opened for you so head on over.

Fisrt Opponent: Wizardmon Deck: Magic Strike Type: Water and Dark Attack: 3 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 3

Second Opponent: AeroVeedramon Deck: Slayer Type: Nature

Attack: 3 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 3

Opponent and Leader: Gatomon Deck: Cat Attack Type: Nature Attack: 3 Defence: 2 Digivolve speed: 3

You recieve the passcode to Steep Road but go back to the cafe and talk to Gatom on. She will give you the Special Fusion Data. Head onto the next area and city

Tera Area: Steep Road Wiseman *cough* Tower Infinity Tower

Steep Road In the Cafe are Megadramon and KEN! Megadramon introduces himself as Battle Mast er of the arena. Ken will give you your 3rd and Final Partner card. In my case i t was Gatomon i picked. Megadramon opens the arena for you so head on over to it .

Arena: First Opponent: Goburimon Deck: Out of Control Type: All 5 colours Attack: 3 Defence: 1 Digivolve speed: 2

Second Opponent: DemiDevimon Deck: Dark Digivolution Type: Fire and Dark Attack: 3 Defence: 2 Digivolve speed : 3

Third Opponent + Leader: Megadramon Deck: Mega Shock Type: Dark Attack: 4 Defence: 2 Digivolve speed: 2

Right after beating Megadramon you find that he is another lying scum bag and he isn't the battle master. Go to the cafe where you will find Gigadramon. You fin d he is the true master and you will be able to go into the Arena again. You go through the trio again and then to the Battle Master Gigadramon

Final Opponent and true Leader: Gigadramon (Save facility) Deck: Mega Giga Type: Fire and Dark Attack: 4 Defence: 2 Digivolve speed: 2

Once you've done it all again you get the passcode for Wiseman...*coughs* tower. Go onto it.

Wiseman *coughs*...Tower Into the Cafe you find MetalGreymon yep it's the Agumon from Beginner City evolv

ed to Ultimate. He will open the Arena and tells you to return to him when you'v e beaten the Arena

Arena: First Opponent: Togemon Deck: Spiky Type: Nature Attack: 3 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 3

Second Opponent: Kabutarimon Deck: Anti-A Type: Nature Attack: 3 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 3

Third Opponent: Ikkakumon Deck: Anti-Fire Type: Water Attack: 3 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 3

Forth Opponent: Birdramon (Save Facility *and i suggest you do*) Deck: Attack First Type: Fire Attack: 4 Defence: 2 Digivolve speed: 3

Fifth Opponent: WereGarurumon Deck: Howl to the Moon Type: Water Attack: 3 Defence:4 Digivolve speed: 3

Final Opponent: MetalGreymon Deck: SEVEN Type: Fire, Nature and Water Attack: 3 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 4

Back to the cafe where you will see all the people you battled and Rosemon again . She finally tells you who she is to a certain extent.

Hurrah you've beaten the best in the game according to MetalGreymon and you are bestowed the title of Digimon Card Master! But it doesn't end here. MetalGreymon will give you the Digiegg for your 3rd partner. He also lets you have the trade facility. The last Fusion Shop is also here. I strongly suggest you build a dec k of Water + Nature and make sure you have a hacking card or 2 they will help in the up and coming battles! Since you have the passcode to the next place go the re.

Infinity Tower In the Cafe is VenomMyotismon! He will open the Arena for you to enter he blabs on about Darkness being everywhere and crap. Anyhow go to the Arena.

Arena: First Opponent: Tuskmon Deck: Fighting Monsters Type: Dark

Attack: 4 Defence: 2 Digivolve speed: 2

Second Opponent: Phantomon Deck: Sickle Slayer Type: Dark Attack: 3 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 3

Third Opponent: MegaSeadramon Deck: Mega Flood Type: Water Attack: 3 Defence: 4 Digivolve speed: 2

Forth Opponent: Machinedramon (Save Facility *save otherwise you will regret it later!*) Deck: Machine Empire Type: Dark and Yellow Attack: 5 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 3

Final Opponent and leader: VenomMyotismon Deck: Evil King Type: Dark Attack: 4

Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 3

You've beaten the last arena yah. Onto the screen pops an error message! NOOOOOO OO don't tell me the game has crashed agh!!! No it hasn't. This is HIM that Rose mon tells you about. He is Analogman *He was supposed to be defeated in Digimon World 1* There is nothing you can do but go back to the Cafe when he's done brag ging. Talk to Rosemon who will give you more info on him. She reveals that she i s a materix to stop 'A' she will be able to access if 'A' is beaten in a Card Ba ttle. Edit your deck *note you cannot save at this point so if you didn't save w hen i said if you lose then you will have to start the whole arena again! Go th e arena and take on Analogman.

However there is one tiny little problem...Analogman has a shuffle free function ...basically he sends all ur partner cards to the bottom of the deck...*bleep* h e also has download Digivolve and the stongest Digimon in the game at least TWICE! He has all the 7's cards so enjoy this battle! *Ducks from the various flying objects.*

Opponent: A Deck: Darkness Wave Type: Dark Attack: 5 Defence: 5 Digivolve speed: 5

I was dead lucky and beat him 1st time round *huggles (X circle goes to 0 button ) and Brachiomon cards!

After 'A' is sealed away by Rosemon who will no longer contact you so she says t he ending is shown. Do not switch off! Save when it tells you to and you can go to the next part of the game. It will take you back to the title screen so conti nue.

You start back in Beginner City In the Cafe is the normal mon and Tai. He will tell you Myotismon *yeah huggles* is causing trouble in Digiworld. You need to set off to find him. But first go to Sky City to Wizardmon.

Sky City Cafe Speak to Wizardmon and he'll tell you that his wand will produce Digimon cards i f given the right codes. To save you time looking in your Digimon Card Battle Bo ok for them (or if you downloaded the game...evil people taking money from Banda i! :p) these are the codes:


Now the stongest card there is Omnimon 2! Edit your decks with the new cards and go find Myo who is in a place you've not been's in the Giga Area an d it is Desert Island.

Desert Island In the cafe is Myotismon. He tells you to go to his arena but there are special aint allowed to use option cards or your base deck. Change a deck to no options find Digimon that have HP added or Power added. Head to the Arena

Arena: First Opponent: Leomon Deck: Battle Gear Type: Nature and Dark Attack: 3 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 3

Second Opponent: Devimon Deck: Cool Devil Type: Water and Dark Attack: 4 Defence: 2 Digivolve speed: 2

Third Opponent: MetalEtemon Deck: Steel Gate Type: Rare Attack: 3 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 3

Final Opponent and Leader: Myotismon Deck: Dark Revival Type: Dark Attack: 4 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 2

Once beating the areana head back to Beginner City. In the Cafe are Betamon, Gre ymon, Rosemon and Tai. What Rosemon! Didn't she just go and seal Analogman! Yes she did but it's different listen to what she has to say anyhow. You find strang ers are causing a bit of trouble at Dark City. Head over to Dark City.

Dark City In the Cafe are Stingmon and Myotismon. Myotismon is searching for his love...*w hich is me :)* he is hosting a Haunted Arena. This time at least you can use Opt ion Cards. Go to the Haunted Arena

Haunted Arena:

First Opponent: Bakemon Deck: Dancing Ghost Type: Dark Attack: 2 Defence: 4 Digivolve speed: 2

Second Opponent: Devimon Deck: Devil's Call Type: Dark Attack: 4 Defence: 2 Digivolve speed: 2

Third Opponent: SkullGreymon Deck: Stealth Skull Type: Dark Attack: 4 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 2

Final Opponent and Leader: Myotismon Deck: Dark Prince Type: Dark Attack: 5 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 3

Once you've beaten Myo once and for all in the game. Head on back to Beginner Ci ty. The arena is closed so chat to Greymon and he'll open it for you.

Arena: First Opponent: Penguinmon Deck: Penguinmon Colour *Spelt Color* Type: Water and Rare Attack: 1 Defence: 2 Digivolve speed: 2

Second Opponent: Rosemon Deck: Rose Garden Type: Fire, Nature and Dark Attack: 3 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 4

Final Opponent: Greymon Deck: Digivolution! Type: Fire Attack: 4 Defence: 2 Digivolve speed: 3

Now you've done the arena head back to the cafe where you can now challege Davis to a battle. Opponent: Davis Deck: Fire Heart Type: Fire

Now head to Jungle City where you will face Keely (Yolei) Opponent: Keely

Deck: Bingo!! Type: Nature

Head up to Igloo City for a battle with Cody Opponent: Cody Deck: Ready to go Type: Rare

Now go to Pyramid City for a game with TK Opponent: TK Deck: Wings of Hope Type: Nature

Pop on up to Sky City to battle with Kari Opponent: Kari Deck: Ladies Night Type: Nature

You can't battle Ken yet so don't go Steep Road. Head back to Flame City Cafe wh ere you will find ExVeemon. He'll open an Extra Arena which stars his forms. So go to the Extra Arena

Extra Arena: First Opponent: Ex-Veemon Deck: Strong-V Type: Fire Attack: 4 Defence: 2 Digivolve speed: 3

Second Opponent: Flamedramon

Deck: Rocket Bomb Type: Fire Attack: 4 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 3

Final Opponent and Leader: Raidramon Deck: Raiden Blade Type: Fire Dark Attack: 4 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 3

When you've beaten him head on over to Jungle City's Cafe where Hawkmon will be waiing. He'll open his Extra Arena which is for his forms.

Extra Arena: (Dubbed Hawkmon Arena) First Opponent: Hawkmon Deck: Quick Draw Type: Nature Attack: 2 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 3

Second Opponent: Aquilamon Deck: Storm Bringer Type: Fire and Nature Attack: 3 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 3

Final Opponent and Leader: Halsemon Deck: Burning Love Type: Nature Attack: 3 Defence: 3 Digivolve speed: 3

Now that you've done here head on over to Igloo City. In the Cafe is Armadillomo n. Talk to him and the Extra Arena will be opened.

First Opponent: Armadillomon Deck: Mountain Crusher Type: Rare Attack: 1 Defence: 4 Digivolve Speed: 1

Second Opponent: Ankylomon Deck: Rock Head Type: Rare Attack: 2 Defence: 4 Digivolve Speed: 2

Final Opponent and Leader: Digmon Deck: Mountain Crusher DX Type: Rare Attack: 1 Defence: 5 Digivolve Speed: 2

That's this one done head to Pyramid City In the Cafe is Patamon he'll open the Extra Arena

First Opponent: Patamon Deck: Friendly Type: Nature Attack: 2 Defence: 4 Digivolve Speed: 4

Second Opponent: Baronmon Deck: Twin Meteor Type: Fire and Nature Attack: 3 Defence: 3 Digivolve Speed: 3

Final Opponent and Leader: Pegasusmon Deck: Great Hope Type: Nature Attack: 3 Defence: 3 Digivolve Speed: 4

That's another one done head to Sky City You see Gatomon waiting for you again. She'll open the Extra Arena. Gato also has a new Deck!

First Opponent: Gatomon Deck: Call of Destiny Type: Nature

Attack: 3 Defence: 4 Digivolve Speed: 3

Second Opponent: Nefertimon Deck: Divine Monster Type: Nature Attack: 3 Defence: 3 Digivolve Speed: 4

Final Opponent and Leader: Tylomon Deck: Swirling Light Type: Nature and Water Attack: 3 Defence: 4 Digivolve Speed: 3

And another one bites the dust. Head back to Jungle City. You may/may not have s een the Beet Arena when you were last @ Jungle City. Head to the Cafe where you see HerculesKabuterimon. Talk to him and he'll open it.

First Opponent: Kuwagamon Deck: Headon Collison Type: Nature Attack: 4 Defence: 2 Digivolve Speed: 3

Second Opponent: Ninjamon *same stats and Deck as last time*

Final Opponent and Leader: HerculesKabuterimon Deck: Beetle Cross Type: Dark and Nature Attack: 4 Defence: 3 Digivolve Speed: 3

Now that you've done here go to Junk City. You will see the normal arena is clos ed. Go to the cafe where you will see Thundermon. Talk to him and the arena will be opened.

First Opponent: Thundermon Deck: Blitz Krieg Type: Rare Attack: 2 Defence: 3 Digivolve Speed: 3

Second Opponent: MetalMamemon Deck: Beanstalk Type: Rare and Nature Attack: 2 Defence: 3 Digivolve Speed: 3

Final Opponent and Leader: SuperStarmon Deck: Star Force Type: Rare Attack: 3 Defence: 3 Digivolve Speed: 3

Now you've trashed the Rare gits head back to Beginner City. The normal arena wi ll be closed. Go into the Cafe where you'll see Agumon has Digivolved to WarGrey mon. He'll open the arena.

First Opponent: Rosemon *Same stats as last time* Second Opponent: Greymon *Same Stats as before

Final Opponent: WarGreymon Deck: Fire Heart Type: Fire Attack: 4 Defence: 4 Digivolve Speed: 3

Now go back to the Cafe cause you battle the 01 Digidestined Opponent: Tai Deck: Go all the Way Type: Fire

Tai will also give you the 2nd Egg of your second partner. Flame City is your ne xt stop.

In the Cafe you see Garudamon and Sora. First you have to battle Garudamon *alth ough you don't get her stats in the cafe you do later so i'll post em now, same goes for the other Digimon of the DD's*

Opponent: Garudamon Deck: Sun's Gift Type: Fire Attack: 4

Defence: 4 Digivolve Speed: 3

Once you've beaten Garudamon you can face Sora.

Opponent: Sora Deck: Hyper Digivolution! Type: Fire

That's us sorted here off to Jungle City. In the Cafe here are Lillymon and Mimi . Fight Lillymon first.

Opponent: Lillymon Deck: Flower Fairies Type: Nature Attack: 3 Defence: 3 Digivolve Speed: 4

Now you can fight Mimi

Opponent: Mimi Deck: Princess Type: All Minus Fire

That's the Princess de-throned so now go to Igloo City Cafe where you find Metal Garurumon.

Opponent: MetalGarurumon Deck: Shoot Everything Type: Water

Attack: 4 Defence: 4 Digivolve Speed: 3

When you've beaten him the arena will open but battle Matt first.

Opponent: Matt Deck: Bonding Type: Nature and Water

Now you've beaten him go to the Arena First Opponent: Frigimon *same as last time* Second Opponent: Whamon *same as last time*

Final Opponent: MetalGarurumon *His deck is called Shooting Deck but says you've beaten it! Don't worry it's the same as the last time you battled him*

Onto Junk City Cafe where Zudomon is based with Joe.

Opponent: Zudomon Deck: Armed Type: Water Attack: 4 Defence: 4 Digivolve Speed: 3

Now you've beaten him battle Dr Jones...*oops too much Indiana Jones Films*...Jo e

Opponent: Joe Deck: First Aid

Type: Water and Fire

Toodle off to Dark City Cafe where you find MegaKabuterimon and Izzy.

Opponent: MegaKabuterimon Deck: Intercepting Traps Type: Nature, Rare and Water Attack: 4 Defence: 3 Digivolve Speed: 4

Now he's done you can battle the King of Computers *coughs*

Opponent: Izzy Deck: Program Type: Nature

When you've beaten him you get the Fusion Mutation Data...Hurrah but i am gonna give you a hint. Try and get as many of the Digi-Jewel cards as you can before y ou go to meet Izzy it's a pain in the butt getting them otherwise but you can st ill get em!

That's the Digidestined finished off. Where to go next...Infinity Tower where yo u find Piedmon in the Cafe ~_~ he'll open the Arena so go there.

First Opponent: MetalSeadramon Deck: Rough Sea King Type: Water Attack: 3 Defence: 5 Digivolve Speed: 3

Second Opponent: Puppetmon Deck: Toy Castle *note no 'R' in Castle* Type: Dark and Rare Attack: 3 Defence: 4 Digivolve: 3

Third Opponent: LadyDevimon *wants to punish you i love this woman's attitude al most as good as Myo's* Deck: Evil Flower Type: Dark Attack: 4 Defence: 4 Digivolve Speed: 2 *now she hates your guts*

Final Opponent: Piedmon *pure hate for this guy* Deck: 4 Strong *ha* Monsters Type: Water, Dark and Rare Attack: 5 Defence: 3 Digivolve Speed: 3

Now you've kicked their butts head to Steep Road where iclke Pixmon is in the Ca fe. You need to battle him.

Opponent: Piximon Deck: Return Type: Nature

Now you've beaten him you get a beauty of a card...the Speed Seven Card. Put it in your deck now! Now that's done you'll go to Flame City. In the Cafe is Paildr

amon you can't talk to him so go to the Extra Arena *same goes for the up and coming battles with the E xtra Arenas*

First Opponent: Flamedramon *as last time* Second Opponent: Raidramon *as last time*

Final Opponent and Leader: Paildramon Deck: 3 Signs Type: Fire Attack: 4 Defence: 3 Digivolve Speed: 3

Head to Jungle City's Extra Arena

First Opponent: Aquillamon *As last time* Second Opponent: Halsemon *As last time*

Final Opponent and Leader: Shurimon Deck: Ninja Type: Rare and Nature Attack: 3 Defence: 3 Digivolve Speed: 4

Go to Igloo City's Extra Arena

First Opponent: Ankylomon *As last time* Second Opponent: Digmon *As last time*

Final Opponent and Leader: Submarimon Deck: Yellow Submarine *touch of the Beatles...or if you're a SWFC fan European Tour* Type: Rare and Water Attack: 3 Defence: 4 Digivolve Speed: 3

Guess where you're off to next...yep Pyramid City's Extra Arena.

First Opponent: Baronmon *As last time* Second Opponent: Pegasusmon *As last time*

Final Opponent and Leader: MagnaAngemon Deck: Divine Sword Type: Nature Attack: 3 Defence: 3 Digivolve Speed: 4

Now we're going up to the spirit...*oops again* in the sky...yeah Sky Cit y's Extra Arena.

First Opponent: Nefertimon *As last time* Second Opponent: Tylomon *As last time*

Final Opponent and Leader: Angewomon Deck: Shining Goddess Type: Nature Attack: 3 Defence: 3

Digivolve Speed: 4

That's them done again. Head to Steep Road Cafe where you see GrandKuwagamon...* mega of Wormmon* You have to battle him to get to Ken.

Opponent: GrandKuwagamon Deck: Black King Type: Dark

Now you can battle Ken!

Opponent: Ken Deck: Wormhole Type: Dark

Extra Arenas yet again. Starting in Flame City First Opponent: Raidramon *As last time* Second Opponent: Paildramon *As last time*

Final Opponent and Leader: Magnamon Deck: Miracle Knight Type: Fire Attack: 4 Defence: 4 Digivolve Speed: 4

Jungle City Extra Arena First Opponent: Halsemon *As last time* Second Opponent: Shurimon *As last time*

Final Opponent and Leader: Silphymon Deck: Storm Tamer Type: Nature Attack: 4 Defence: 4 Digivolve Speed: 4

Skate over to Igloo City Extra Arena First Opponent: Digmon *As last time* Second Opponent: Submarimon *As last time*

Final Opponent and Leader: Shakkoumon Deck: Ancient Legend Type: Rare Attack: 4 Defence: 4 Digivolve Speed: 4

Onto Pyramid City for this Final Extra Arena Battle First Opponent: Pegasusmon *As last time* Second Opponent: MagnaAngemon *As last time*

Final Opponent and Leader: Seraphimon Deck: Heaven's Gate Type: Nature Attack: 4 Defence: 4 Digivolve Speed: 4

Onto City for the Final Extra Arena Battle

First Opponent: Tylomon *As last time* Second Opponent: Angewomon *As last time*

Final Opponent and Leader: Magnadramon Deck: Divine Dragon Type: Nature Attack: 3 Defence: 5 Digivolve Speed: 4

Go to Wise...Tower and chat with MetalGreymon in the Cafe. The normal arena will be opened. All Mon in this Arena have same stats as when you fought them last t ime. 1st: Lillymon, 2nd: MegaKabuterimon, 3rd: Zudomon, 4th: Garudamon (Save Facility ) 5th: MetalGarurumon, 6th and Leader: WarGreymon

Go to Infinity Tower where you see Diaboromon in the Cafe. Chat to him and the a rena will be opened. First Opponent: VenomMyotismon *As last time* Second Opponent: Piedmon *As last time*

Third Opponent: Infermon Deck: Forever Increase Type: Dark and Rare Attack: 3 Defence: 4 Digivolve Speed 3

Final Opponent and Leader: Diaboromon + save facility Deck: Time Bomb Type: Dark Attack: 5

Defence: 4 Digivolve Speed: 3

Back to Wise...Tower and you'll see Omnimon in the Cafe. He'll open the arena fo r one last time. Go play. All minus Omnimon are same as last time. 1st: Lillymon, 2nd: MegaKabuterimon, 3rd: Zudomon, 4th: Garudamon (Save Facility )

Final Opponent and Leader: Omnimon Deck: Blue Star, Red Moon Type: Fire and Water Attack: 4 Defence: 4 Digivolve Speed: 4

When you have beaten him you can have the final Digiegg for your last partner :) Go back to Infinity Tower where Apokarimon is sat waiting for you. He'll open t he arena for you. All battles before him are the same as last time. 1st: VenomMyotismon 2nd: Piedmon 3rd: Infermon 4th: Diaboromon *save*

Final Opponent and Leader: Apokarimon Deck: Desperate Space Type: Dark Attack: 5 Defence: 5 Digivolve Speed: 5

The arena will be closed after this. Battle Apokarimon in the cafe where the are na will be opned for access whenever you want and you get an Apokarimon Card *th

at is the only way to get one*

The last 3 Extra Arenas are next onto Flame City. First Opponent: Paildramon *As last time* Second Opponent: Magnamon *As last time*

Final Opponent: Imperialdramon Deck: Invincible *ha* Emperor Type: Fire, Water and Nature Attack: 5 Defence: 4 Digivolve Speed: 4

Next is Jungle City First Opponent: Shurimon Second Opponent: Silphymon

Final Opponent: Valkyrimon Deck: Warrior Princess Type: Nature Attack: 4 Defence: 4 Digivolve Speed: 4

Next is Igloo City *last Extra Arena yeah!* First Opponent: Submarimon Second Opponent: Shakkoumon

Final Opponent and Leader: Vikemon

Deck: Parma Frost Type: Water and Rare Attack: 4 Defence: 5 Digivolve Speed: 4

That is all the Extra Arena's Done! Now go after the '7's Cards' and the Downloa d Digivolve Rosemon = 12 in total for Download Digivolve Inc the times you beat her in the arenas. (Beginner City)

Piximon = 1 battle in the Steep Rd Cafe for the Speed 7's Seraphimon = 6 in total inc the Arena battles for the Holy 7's (Pyramid Cafe) Kari = 6 battles in total including when you battle her the first time round for the Mystic 7's(Sky Cafe) Piedmon = 8 battles in total including the Arena battles for the Dark 7's (Infin ity Tower Cafe) Imperialdramon = 6 in total including the Arena battles for the Wild 7's (Flame Cafe) Nanimon = 10 battles (Various battle cafe)

There is 1 7's Card you can't get until you've done Igloo City's normal arena. I n the Caf is Black MetalGarurumon talk to him and it'll be opened. First Opponent: Garurumon Second Opponent: MetalGarurumon

Final Opponent: Black MetalGarurumon Deck: Patirot Type: Water Attack: 4 Defence: 4 Digivolve Speed: 4

Now go after the Armour Digidestined Decks starting with *in my case since i did n't get Veemon as a partner* Davis.

Davis *on the 3rd battle with him* will give you a Deck: Flame Type: Dark and Fire *Veemon as partner armour evolve to Flamedramon* To use. The DD decks that they make for you don't have Ultimate Digimon in them!

Davis: *on the 6th battle with him* he will give you Deck: Raidra Type: Dark and Fire *Veemon as partner armour evolve to Raidramon* to use.

Davis: *on the 9th battle with him* he will give you Deck: Magna Type: Fire and Dark *Veemon as partner armour evolve to Magnamon

Keely: (if you didn't get Hakwmon as a partner you have to fight her) 3rd battle she'll give you Deck: Halse Type: Nature and Rare *Hawkmon armour evolve to Halsemon

Keely: 6th Battle Deck: Shuri Type: Nature and Rare *Hawkmon armour evolve to Shurimon

Cody (if you didn't get Armadillomon as a partner you have to fight him) 3rd as normal. Deck: Dig Type: Rare *not sure if water is there as well can't remember from last time*

Cody: 6th battle Deck: Submari Type: Water and Rare

TK: (if you didn't choose Patamon as a partner) 3rd time Deck: Baron Type: Nature and Fire

TK: 6th Battle Deck: Pegasus Type: Nature

Kari: (If you didn't choose Gatomon as a partner) 3rd Battle Deck: Neferti Type: Nature

Kari: 6th Battle Deck: Tylo Type: Water and Nature

Ken: (If you didn't choose Wormmon) 3rd Battle Deck: Shadra Type: Dark and Water

Ken: 6th Battle Deck: Quetzal Type: Dark and Water

Now you need to start getting the rest of the cards that you haven't got by visi ting the fusion shop *for the love of god use the Wise...Tower one you get told the exact card* Now you need to get 300 battles raked up all together. In the Beginner City Cafe BlackWarGreymon will appear. He'll open the arena for one last shin dig. Head o n in to the arena.

First Opponent: Greymon *As last time* Second Opponent: WarGreymon *As last time*

Final Opponent and Leader: BlackWarGreymon Deck: Black Fire Heart Type: Fire Attack: 5 Defence: 4 Digivolve Speed: 3

FAZZAH! That is the end of the game :) sit back relax and watch the ending! *And get what your final Tamer Level is*

4. The Fusion Guide Fire Type Digimon Can Be Made By Fusing Dark + Water Rare + Dark Fire + Item

Water Type Digimon Can Be Made By Fusing Nature + Dark Fire + Rare Water + Item

Nature Type Digimon Can Be Made By Fusing Water + Fire Water + Rare Nature + Item

Dark Type Digimon Can Be Made By Fusing Fire + Nature Nature + Water Dark + Item

Rare Type Digimon Can Be Made By Fusing Water + Nature Fire + Dark Rare + Item

Here are a few fusions that make special cards or powerful cards: Angemon + Ankylomon = Shakkoumon R-Gatomon + Ankylomon = Silphymon Exveemon + Stingmon = Paildramon Shakkoumon + Zudomon = Vikemon Silphymon + Garudamon = Valkyrimon Paildramon + Omnimon1 = Imperialdramon MarineAngemon + Vademon = Superstarmon MagnaAngemon + Jijimon = Seraphimon Monzaemon + WaruMonzaemon = Puppetmon MagnaAngemon + AngeWomon = Magnadramon Infermon + Digitamamon = Diboromon Magnadramon + Puppetmon = Piedmon Silphymon + Panjymon = Digitamamon Machinedramon + MarineAngemon = WarGreymon RealMetalGreymon + WereGarurumon = Omnimon 1 MetalGarurumon + WarGreymon = Omnimon 2 Piximon + Gigahand = MagnaAngemon

The following do create Digi-Jewel Cards

Armour Crush Digivolve + Premium Steak Warp + Armour Crush Shining Mane + Armour Crush Gold Banana + Vermillion Socerimon + BlueMeramon Nature Altar + Darkness Altar

5. The Card List. There are 300 Digimon Cards to get in the game and this is the entire list. 000-003 would be Mega Digis but are classified as ultimate in the game 004-011 are Ultimates 012-026 are Champions 027-033 are Rookies

Fire Digimon Cards 000 Imperialdramon 001 Omnimon I 002 WarGreymon 003 Pheonixmon 004 Paildramon 005 Gigidramon 006 RealMetalGreymon 007 Garudamon 008 MasterTyrannomon 009 MetalGreymon 010 Meteormon 011 Vermilimon 012 Exveemon 013 Aquilamon 014 Greymon

015 Apemon 016 Tyrannomon 017 Monocromon 018 Meramon 029 Centarumon 020 Birdramon 021 Tankmon 022 RedVegiemon 023 Piddomon 024 Akatorimon 025 BomberNanimon 026 Flarerizamon 027 Agumon 028 Solarmon 029 Biyomon 030 Muchomon 031 Candlemon 032 D-Otamamon 033 Goburimon

Water Digimon Cards 034-038 would be Mega but are classifed as Ultimate 039-045 are Ultimates 046-060 are Champions 061-068 are Rookies 034 Vikemon 035 Omnimon II 036 MetalSeadramon 037 MetalGarurumon 038 MarineAngemon

039 WereGarurumon 040 Zudomon 041 Panjyamon 042 MegaSeadramon 043 WaruSeadramon 044 Braciomon 045 BlueMeramon 046 Garurumon 047 Ikkakumon 048 Dolphmon 049 Whamon 050 Seadramon 051 Gesomon 052 Frigimon 053 Gekomon 054 Coelamon 055 Mojyamon 056 Shellmon 057 Sorcerimon 058 IceDevimon 059 Hyogamon 060 Icemon 061 Gomamon 062 Gabumon 063 Betamon 064 Penguinmon 065 Gizamon 066 Otamamon 067 SnowAgumon 068 SnowGaburimon

Nature Digimon Cards 069-074 would be Mega's 075-080 are Ultimates 081-096 are Champions 097-102 are Rookies 069 Valkyrimon 070 Seraphimon 071 Magnadramon 072 AeroVeedramon 073 Rosemon 074 HerculesKabuterimon 075 MagnaAngemon 076 Sylphymon 077 Angewomon 078 Lillymon 079 MegaKabuterimon 080 Piximon 081 Veedramon 082 Angemon 083 R-Gatomon 084 Togemon 085 Leomon 086 Kabuterimon 087 Airdramon 088 Unimon 089 Ninjamon 090 Kuwagamon 091 Drimogemon 092 Vegiemon

093 Kokatorimon 094 Yanmamon 095 J-Mojyamon 096 MoriShellmon 097 Tentomon 098 Palmon 099 Salamon 100 Elecmon 101 Gotsumon 102 Kunemon

Darkness Digimon Cards 103-108 would be Megas 109-116 are Ultimates 117-131 are Champions 132-138 are Rookies 103 Apokarimon 104 GranKuwagamon 105 Diaboromon 106 VenomMyotismon 107 Piedmon 108 Machinedramon 109 Infermon 110 LadyDevimon 111 Myotismon 112 Megadramon 113 SkullGreymon 114 Phantomon 115 WaruMonzaemon 116 Andromon

117 Stingmon 118 Wizardmon 119 Devidramon 120 Devimon 121 Tuskmon 122 Orgemon 123 Bakemon 124 Guardromon 125 Tekkamon 126 Gururumon 127 Soulmon 128 Fugamon 129 Saberdramon 130 Darkrizamon 131 Zassomon 132 DemiDevimon 133 BKGatomon 134 Kokuwamon 135 Tsukaimon 136 Dokunemon 137 Aruraumon 138 Sharmamon

Rare Digimon Cards 139-141 Would be Mega's 142-150 are Ultimates 151-164 are Champions 165-171 are Rookies 139 Puppetmon 140 SuperStarmon

141 MetalEtamon 142 Shakkoumon 143 Jijimon 144 Digitamamon 145 Vademon 146 Giromon 147 Monzaemon 148 MetalMamemon 149 Mamemon 150 Etemon 151 Ankylomon 152 Starmon 153 Thundermon 154 PlatinumSukamon 155 ShellNumemon 156 Nanimon 157 Numemon 158 Sukamon 159 Rockmon 160 Geremon 161 NiseDrimogemon 162 ShimaUnimon 163 MudFrigimon 164 SandYanmamon 165 L-ToyAgumon 166 Hagurumon 167 ToyAgumon 168 ClearAgumon 169 Vi-Elecmon 170 Psychemon

171 ModokiBetamon

Partner + Armours Cards Fire 172 Flamedramon {A} 173 Magnamon {A} 174 Baronmon {A} 175 Veemon {R}

Water 176 Submarimon {A} 177 Quetzalmon {A} 178 Tylomon {A}

Nature 179 Halsemon {A} 180 Pegasusmon {A} 181 Nefertimon {A} 182 Hawkmon {R} 183 Patamon {R} 184 Gatomon {R}

Darkness 185 Raidramon {A} 186 Shadramon {A} 187 Wormmon {R}

Rare 188 Shurimon {A} 189 Digmon {A}

190 Armadillomon {R}

Item Cards 191 Golden Banana 192 Devil's chip 193 Whistle 194 Giga Hand 195 Metallic banana 196 Shining mane 197 Mega rec. Floppy 198 Mega attack chip 199 Dark lord cape 200 Fake Sevens 201 Net Worm 202 Missile Pod 203 Shogun's Order 204 Beetle Diamond 205 Dark bone 206 Red digivice 207 Blue digivice 208 Green digivice 209 Black digivice 210 Yellow digivice 211 Pink digivice 212 Another dimension 213 Uninstall 214 Evil program 215 Coliseum 216 Fire altar 217 Ice alter

218 Nature alter 219 Darkness alter 220 Rare alter 221 Sup. rec. floppy 222 Mega def. disk circle 223 Mega def. disk triangle 224 Mega def. disk X 225 Heap of junk 226 Beam gun 227 Chain saw 228 Metal parts 229 Metal Armour 230 Mega hand 231 Level Balancer 232 Level manager 233 Level booster 234 Armour clash 235 Silver Ball 236 Coral Charm 237 Patch of love 238 Mystery egg 239 Miracle ruby 240 Cyber parts 241 Liquid crystal 242 Deluxe mushroom 243 Lucky mushroom 244 Premium steak 245 Short lance 246 Med. rec. Floppy 247 Digimon analyzer

248 Training manual 249 Circle hitter 250 Triangle hitter 251 Cross hitter 252 Sukas Curse 253 Cherrymons mist 254 Hacking 255 Digimon grave 256 Data copy 257 Partner Finder 258 Fire spot 259 Ice crystal 260 Earth charm 261 Black gear 262 Stuffed animal 263 Disrupt ray 264 Attack chip 265 High speed disk 266 Recovery floppy 267 Attack disk circle 268 Attack disk triangle 269 Attack disk X 270 Defence disk circle 271 Defence disk triangle 272 Defence disk X 273 Digi-Garnet 274 Digi-Amethyst 275 Digi-Aquamarine 276 Digi-Diamond 277 Digi-Emerald

278 Digi-Pearl 279 Digi-Ruby 280 Digi-Sardnyx 281 Digi-Saphire 282 Digi-Opal 283 Digi-Topaz 284 Digi-Turquoise 285 Wild Sevens 286 Holy Sevens 287 Dark Sevens 288 Grand Sevens 289 Mystic Sevens 290 Speed Sevens 291 Reverse Sevens 292 Rosemon's lure 293 Download Digivolve 295 Special Digivolve 296 Mutant Digivolve 297 Warp Digivolve 298 De-Armour Digivolve 299 Speed-Digivolve 300 Digi-devolve


Sekarang anda perlu untuk mulai mendapatkan sisa dari kartu yang Anda tidak puny a dengan mengunjungi toko * fusi untuk penggunaan dewa cinta Bijaksana ... Tower yang Anda dapatkan kepada kartu yang tepat * Sekarang anda perlu mendapatkan 300 pertempuran meraup semua bersama-sama. Dalam Kota Pemula Cafe BlackWargreymon akan muncul. Dia akan membuka arena untuk satu menggali shin terakhir. Kepala di ke arena.

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